Ways To Help Your Patients With Inflammation

Updated on May 12, 2021
Ways To Help Your Patients With Inflammation

Sometimes, a patient isn’t interested in taking pills to help with their problems. Obviously, there’s nothing wrong with that, but it makes your job a little bit harder. Next time there is a patient who doesn’t want anti-inflammatory drugs to help with their swelling issues, try suggesting one of the methods from this guide on ways to help your patients with inflammation.

Build a Better Diet

There are many elements of a person’s diet that can lead to inflammatory troubles. The main one would be eating a lot of inflammatory foods. These include, but aren’t limited to, red meats and foods with trans fat. Encourage your patient to eat more fruits, vegetables, and fish that have omega-3 fatty acids. Examples of those would include tuna and salmon. All of these are considered to be anti-inflammatory, so they’ll actively help with the patient’s inflammation.

Starting a diet of fewer carbohydrates would also benefit your patient. Having high blood sugar can lead to inflammatory issues as well. If they are going to keep some carbs in their diet, advise them to avoid “white foods” such as white bread, rice, and pasta, and instead eat ones with “whole grains” in them.

Create a Workout Schedule

Regularly exercising can help patients see a decrease in the amount of inflammation they have. If they don’t already work out, take the time to help them set up a schedule to do so. Even just taking 30 minutes out of their day can be enough to reduce inflammation.

This tip, combined with the previous one, is a surefire way to help your patient because weight loss can also drastically decrease inflammation. Despite that, these are only effective if their inflammation problems aren’t at critical levels.

Cryotherapy Machines

These devices can have multiple uses, but the one that is important right now is inflammation reduction. Be sure to go over the pros and cons of using cryotherapy with your patient before deciding if it is the best option for them. Make sure they understand how it works.

If you do not yet own a cryotherapy machine but want one in order to have a new way to help your patients with inflammation, there are a few things you should know before purchasing one. Even if you don’t use it very often with patients who are suffering from inflammatory problems, it will come in handy for patients with muscle pain or joint sprains. Depending on the type you get, you can even perform cryosurgery with it.

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