Submission Guidelines

healthcare articles

Western Pennsylvania Healthcare News (WPHN) features fresh, in-depth, relevant information and healthcare articles for our online audience of 10,000+ healthcare leaders and professionals throughout the year.

As a healthcare business publication, we cover and cherish our relationship with the entire healthcare industry and cover the whole continuum of care.

Our audience includes healthcare professionals, physicians, nurses, hospital executives and department heads, insurance providers, attorneys and accountants, home care and nursing home administrators, healthcare students, university and allied health school professionals, and suppliers of products and services to the healthcare arena.

We focus on rehabilitation, nursing homes, home care, hospice, men’s health, women’s health, and pediatrics. If your business crosses into any part of the healthcare sector, you should make it your business to be a regular part of Western Pennsylvania Healthcare News.

Contact Daniel Casciato at [email protected] to submit a bylined healthcare article, sponsored post, or press release to our online publication.

If you’re interested in advertising with us or sponsoring an article, visit our Advertising page for more details.

Topics we cover regularly include:

  • Addiction/Mental Health/Recovery
  • Clinical Topics and Research Developments
  • Consulting and Outsourcing
  • Healthcare Legislation and the Regulatory Environment
  • Healthcare Real Estate, Design, Construction, and Facility Management
  • Education
  • Eldercare
  • Employment Issues
  • Legal Issues
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Nursing
  • Pediatric Healthcare
  • Physical Therapy
  • Practice Management
  • Rehabilitation
  • Senior Living
  • Social Media Strategies
  • Technology
  • Telemedicine/Telehealth

We accept these types of articles:

  • Exclusive articles are those you submit to our Editorial team for publication only on WPHN.
  • Non-exclusive articles are those you submit to our Editorial team for publication on WPHN that you’ve also posted or may post to other blogs or websites. Please let us know where the article was published before and if we can re-post it.

Articles should be written in the third person unless the submission is an opinion piece approved by the editor.

Include a title (in title case) with your article submission, the author’s byline, a short bio (100 words or less), and a headshot. Headshots should be 75 dpi in resolution and 300 x 300 pixels, be in color, and in .jpg or .png format.


Do not include footnotes or endnotes. We will not post these. Any appropriate references should be incorporated into the narrative of the article itself.


You may include links to relevant resources and a link to your company in the bio at the end of the piece. Links are converted to no-follow. Please note: We reserve the right to change or remove any links in the article at any time. Links in the bio section will never be changed.

Promotional Content

Only articles that are educational and informative will be considered. While we appreciate cutting-edge articles on topics featuring new concepts, our readers wish to be educated, not sold.

Articles cannot be an advertisement or promotional material or include excessive self-promotion unless it is a paid promotional piece.


We reserve the right to make revisions or refuse individual articles once they have been submitted and reviewed.


A bylined article expresses your knowledge and insights. The purpose is to educate and/or update our readers on a specific issue or the latest trends in the healthcare industry.

WPHN’s voice is friendly, informational, conversational, and straightforward. The audience should feel our site is trustworthy, educational, and welcoming.

Word Count

Articles should be at least 600 words, be educational and informative, and take a specific angle about something in the related field rather than an advertisement of an organization.


Have a special event coming up? Any conferences or meetings the readers should be aware of? Please send us the name of the event, location; dates; and contact information.

Press Releases

  • We encourage you to send your press releases on breaking news, awards, new hires, promotions, and other things that your organization is proud and excited to announce.
  • We welcome and encourage photos (75 dpi) with submissions.
  • All press releases should clearly and thoroughly describe your product or service.
  • If your product or service is not healthcare specific, it is helpful to tell us how it applies to the healthcare community.

Social Media Channels

If you have news that must be distributed immediately, we’ll post it on our social media accounts—LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Collectively, among the Western Pennsylvania Healthcare News team, we have 10,000+ social media connections.

Paid Interviews

To maintain the quality and integrity of our content, we charge a fee for conducting one-on-one phone interviews. This fee helps cover the costs of producing high-quality, professional interviews that provide valuable exposure to your story.

Interview Fee: $350 per interview.

This fee ensures that we can allocate the necessary resources to create a compelling and professional piece that effectively highlights your story. If you want to schedule an interview for you or a client,  please get in touch with Daniel Casciato at [email protected].

1 thought on “Submission Guidelines”

  1. As painful to read as when it happened. Leahs Leagacy will save others through your hard work and determination.

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