How To Make Behavioral Health Facilities Patient-Friendly

Updated on June 24, 2022
How To Make Behavioral Health Facilities Patient-Friendly

Behavioral health facilities provide care for people suffering from a mental health crisis or mental health-related issues. Although these places encourage healing and positivity, there are ways to improve the experience for patients. Keep reading to learn how to make behavioral health facilities patient-friendly.

Create an Open Floor Plan

Open floor plans prevent overcrowding in specific areas and allow staff to easily monitor patients. These flexible spaces can accommodate many people and allow for more programs to take place. For example, staff can host group sessions or patient events without worrying about limited space.

Add Comfortable Furniture

Comfortable furniture is a fantastic addition to centers because it promotes relaxation. In private spaces, comfortable beds encourage rest and peaceful sleep. And in shared spaces, weighted yet comfortable furniture can provide patients with a place to feel calm. The right furniture can help improve experiences and promote peace within the facility.

Increase Specialized Programs

Behavioral health covers a variety of conditions, disorders, and diagnoses. Simply put, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to help patients. And many times, facilities struggle to care for diverse populations and understand their unique needs. Increasing specialized programs can make the patient’s experience better and tailor their care to their individual experience and needs. For example, a facility could offer group therapy with members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Enable Access to Natural Light

Exposure to natural lighting has a positive effect on mental and behavioral health. Offering floor-to-ceiling windows in shared patient spaces is beneficial because they can enjoy the sunlight with other people. However, in areas where security is of greater concern, skylights or specialized windows permit natural lighting access without compromising patient safety.

Be Mindful of the Aesthetic

Being mindful of the aesthetic is a significant way to make behavioral health facilities patient-friendly. The impersonal and institutional appearance of medical places can induce anxiety in patients. Reducing the “cold” appearance of the facility can help people who struggle with anxiety or depression. And given that color affects the mood in behavioral health centers, promoting a relaxing environment with an ideal aesthetic enables healing and positivity.

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