The Physicians Foundation, a nonprofit organization that seeks to advance the work of practicing physicians and help facilitate the delivery of healthcare to patients, recently identified five issues that could have a significant impact on both patients and physicians this year.
The Physicians Watch List for 2013 is based on research studies and policy papers issued by the Foundation in 2012, including the 2012 Biennial Physician Survey, the 2012 Next Generation Physician Survey and the 2012 U.S. Healthcare Highway Report.
Ongoing uncertainty over PPACA
Despite the Supreme Court decision upholding most of the provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), considerable uncertainty persists among patients and physicians regarding actual implementation of the Act. “Much of the law has yet to be fully defined and a number of key areas within PPACA – including accountable care organizations (ACOs), health insurance exchanges, Medicare physician fee schedule and the independent payment advisory board – remain nebulous,” according to The Physicians Foundation.
In fact, the Foundation’s 2012 Biennial Physician Survey found that uncertainty surrounding health reform was among the key factors contributing to 77 percent of physicians being pessimistic about the future of medicine. In 2013, physicians will need to closely monitor developments around the implementation of these critical provisions, to understand how they will directly affect their patients and ability to practice medicine.
Consolidation means bigger
Large hospital systems and medical groups continue to acquire smaller / solo private practices at a steady rate. According to a Foundation report pertaining to the future of U.S. medical practices, many physicians are seeking employment with hospital systems for income security and relief from administrative burdens.
However, increased consolidation may potentially lead to monopolistic concerns, raise cost of care, and reduce the viability and competitiveness of solo / private practice. As the trend toward greater medical consolidation continues across 2013, it will be vital to monitor for possible unintended consequences related to patient access and overall cost of care.
12 months to 30 million
In 2014, PPACA will introduce more than 30 million new patients to the U.S. healthcare system. This provision has considerable implications relative to patient access to care and physician shortages. According to the Foundation’s Biennial Physician Survey, Americans are likely to experience significant challenges in accessing care if current physician practice patterns continue.
According to the foundation, “if physicians continue to work fewer hours, more than 47,000 full-time-equivalent (FTE) physicians will be lost from the workforce in the next four years. Moreover, 52 percent of physicians have limited the access of Medicare patients to their practices or are planning to do so.”
As the 12-month countdown to 30 million continues across 2013, “physicians and policy makers will need to identify measures to help ensure a sufficient number of doctors are available to treat these millions of new patients – while also ensuring the quality of care provided to all patients is in no way compromised,” the report concluded.
Erosion of physician autonomy
The Physicians Foundation believes that physician autonomy – particularly related to a doctor’s ability to exercise independent medical judgments without non-clinical personnel interfering with these decisions – is markedly deteriorating.
Many of the factors contributing to a loss of physician autonomy include problematic and decreasing reimbursements, liability / defensive medicine pressures and an increasingly burdensome regulatory environment. In 2013, physicians will need to identify ways to streamline these processes and challenges, to help maintain the autonomy required to make the clinical decisions that are best for their patients.
Growing administrative burdens
Finally, increasing administrative and government regulations were cited as one of the chief factors contributing to pervasive physician discontentment, according to the Foundation’s 2012 Biennial Physician Survey. Excessive “red tape” regulations are forcing many physicians to decrease their time spent with patients in order to deal with non-clinical paper work and other administrative burdens.
In 2013, physicians and policy makers will need to work closely together to determine steps that will effectively reduce gratuitous regulations that negatively affect physician–patient relationships. According to a recent Foundation report, the creation of a Federal Commission for Administrative Simplification in Medicine could help reduce these regulations by evaluating and reducing cumbersome physician reporting requirements that do not result in cost savings or measurable reductions in patient risk.
“2013 will be a watershed year for the U.S. healthcare system,” said Lou Goodman, Ph.D., president of The Physicians Foundation and chief executive officer of the Texas Medical Association. “It is clear that lawmakers need to work closely with physicians to ensure that we are well prepared to meet the demands of 30 million new patients in the healthcare system and to effectively address the impending doctor shortage and growing patient access crisis.”
“We hope that the Foundation’s research and insights serve as a pragmatic resource that will help policy makers, physicians and healthcare providers formulate smart policy decisions that are beneficial to America’s patients and doctors,” said Walker Ray, MD, vice president of The Physicians Foundation and chair of the Research Committee.
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Daniel Casciato has his own business as a social media consultant, freelance copywriter, ghostwriter, and ghostblogger. The Pittsburgh native loves his Steelers, Penguins, and Pirates. Learn more at