Finding time to cook can be a struggle for most workaholic people as well as college students. This makes it difficult to eat your daily healthy meals properly, and if you happen to be a vegan. It can be stressful to, not eat your meals, as you want them.
Nonetheless, you can buy some vegan takeout or order in from fancy meal delivery services. It is not hard to find a reputable vegan meal delivery service within your area. For example, if you reside in the city of Toronto, Canada you can just look up some of the vegan meal delivery service in Toronto, for your perfect vegan order.
Although ordering in, may take a toll on your budget. It is still much better than staying hungry when you have the money but no time to prepare your vegan meal.
Consequently, you can find ways to save some of your money occasionally if you have no time to cook your vegan meals. Here are ways to stick to your vegan diet if you have no time to cook.
1.Make a Meal Plan
There is no better way to stay healthy on your vegan diet than with a proper meal plan for a week or two. So before you make your way down to the grocery store, make a meal plan for the next week and the other. This way you save time for other things as well as loads of money on food produce.
In the end, you get to eat your vegan diet on a very pocket-friendly budget.
2. Cook Your Meals in Big Batches
Consider doubling or tripling your meal recipes, to make most of your time. For instance, you can make a big pot of pasta, chili or soup and have the leftovers for dinner or lunch.
On the same note, you can make big batches of different food
3. Stock the Basics
Always make sure you have some common kitchen staples to save some shopping and cooking time. You can always buy an extra of these staple food produce while making your meal plan for the next week or two.
Some essential food staples that you can keep in hand to avoid going hungry are peanut butter, flour, tofu, canned beans, almond milk, grains, and even frozen vegetables.
4. Try Some Convenience Food Produce
You can also try some convenient vegan food if you have no time to cook your vegan meal. It is much better than eating just anything like junk food or opting to stay hungry.
There are varieties of these ready-made vegan meals in most groceries. For example, you can just grab a frozen meal, some instant soup or a can of vegetable chili at your local grocery store.
5. Grab Some Fast Food
Although fast foods are far from being termed as healthy, sometimes they are the only option for the busy vegan folks.
You can find some fast-food joints that offer vegan meals like French toast sticks and vegan slider. Just do some basic research on the few fast-food chains that have vegan meals on their menu. You are bound to be satisfied, depending on your need.
6. Learn to Make Simple Meals
If time is always an issue when it comes to preparing your vegan meals then you should probably learn how to make some simple vegan meals on the go. Besides, most vegan meals do not require loads of ingredients or assembly. So check them out and learn to make them for an easy everyday vegan meal.
7. Use a Pressure Cooker or a Crockpot
Pressure cookers and slow cookers are best at saving cooking time. Moreover, crockpot recipes always reduce the amount of waiting-time or food babysitting. This makes it easier to prepare your meal in no time, saving time for other things.
In conclusion, preparing a meal be it vegan or any other diet takes time. So make use of the above tips and you will never go hungry due to time constraint.