CBD oil has a great impact on the lives of many people nowadays, most especially that the world is not as safe just like in the past. It is essential to keep the body healthy and strong by boosting your immunity with vitamin C and CBD oil supplements.
Cannabidiol or CBD has been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties, which play a crucial role in one’s immunity. It has antioxidants to fight the body’s harmful radicals that cause damage to the cells, rendering them non-functional and abnormally structured. Also, it has anti-anxiety or stress-busting properties that allow you to relax and get a good night’s sleep.
With all the beneficial qualities of CBD, it’s a must to incorporate it into your everyday routine. This post will cover some helpful ways to accomplish this goal.
Defining Hemp CBD
Many people are asking this question: “What is hemp CBD oil?” Well, this is because there’s a little bit of confusion as to how CBD is extracted and created. Unlike what most people think, cannabidiol or CBD can be extracted from both cannabis and hemp plants. But, because cannabis use is not legal in all states and countries, CBD products are made from industrial hemp plants, which are being cultivated using sustainable methods and without harsh fertilizers and chemicals.
Hemp CBD oil is extracted from the leaves, stems, and other parts of hemp plants. As compared to hemp oil or hemp seed oil, which are extracted from the seeds of hemp plants, CBD oil cannot be obtained from hemp seeds because they have low CBD levels.

How Does Cannabidiol Or CBD Work?
The human body has an endocannabinoid system or ECS, which is responsible for regulating bodily functions, including mood, pain sensitivity, appetite, immune response, and sleep patterns.
The primary function of the endocannabinoid system is to promote “homeostasis” by producing cannabinoids or active chemical compounds. Cannabinoids act like neurotransmitters, such as serotonin or dopamine. CBD from hemp plants can interact with the body’s ECS, assisting in performing its job more effectively.
Here are the good-to-know acts about CBD and ECS:
- The ECS contains cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. Cannabidiol indirectly affects the cannabinoid receptors in the brain and spinal cord or central nervous system through CB1 receptors. They play essential roles in different cognitive processes including learning, sensory processing, memory, and even pain perception. Thus CBD can help reduce pain.
- Cannabidiol also affects the cannabinoid receptors in the body of CB2 receptors. CB2 receptors are usually found in the immune system cells, which help moderate or reduce inflammation, as well as the body’s immune response to bacteria and other pathogens.
How To Use CBD Oil In Your Daily Routine
1. Drink CBD-Infused Coffee For Breakfast
CBD tincture can be added to your early morning coffee so you can reap the relaxing benefits of the compound. Whether you prefer to brew coffee at home or visit a local cafe, you may consume a healthier version of your favorite coffee by adding a few drops of CBD oil tincture before sipping.
Here are some important things to keep in mind when adding CBD oil to your favorite food and beverages:
- Effects: Cannabidiol is a stimulant when taken in lower doses, but has sedative effects when taken in higher doses. Hemp CBD can help balance the stimulating and the increased-alertness effects of caffeine. It takes the jitters that coffee usually causes.
- Dosing: Like caffeine, CBD affects each person differently, so it’s better to start with a moderate dose, then increase or decrease based on your desired effects.
2. Use CBD Oil Products To Aid In Workout Recovery
CBD oil products can hasten muscle recovery because of the compound’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It works by interacting with the natural cannabinoids of the body, which, in turn, reduces signs and symptoms of inflammation, thus helping torn muscles to heal faster.
3. Make CBD As Part Of Your Bedtime Ritual
Every year, millions of people in the United States suffer from depression or anxiety disorder because of sleeplessness or insomnia, and workplaces lose about 63.2 billion US dollars annually due to these conditions. Luckily, more people are now using CBD products to help them sleep better, making them a great alternative over sleeping pills.
Unlike sleeping pills, CBD oil is all-natural and won’t cause unwanted side effects, such as dry mouth, low appetite, burning or tingling sensation in the extremities, dizziness, daytime drowsiness, and digestive problems (diarrhea or constipation).
Here are some tips when incorporating CBD to your bedtime ritual:
- CBD Balm: Using this CBD product is similar to applying traditional balms on the temple of your head or wrist. You can smell the relaxing scent of CBD balm to attain a relaxing mood to help you get to sleep faster.
- CBD Vaping: For those who cannot tolerate ingesting CBD oil or taking it sublingually or under the tongue, vape pens and vaporizers are now available. These allow you to take CBD through inhalation for faster relaxing effects.
4. Use CBD As A Stress Buster
Every day, people face different trials and experience a whole lot of stress. CBD promotes great relaxation, which can also improve your mood and make you feel less tense. Having said that, CBD oil is a great stress management supplement that can be taken in different forms, depending on your needs and preferences.
Here are effective ways CBD can help you combat everyday stress:
- Always keep a tiny bottle of CBD oil at hand so that you can easily take CBD by adding it to your food or drink or via sublingual route.
- Vaping CBD can provide you faster stress and pain relief that is beneficial to your health. It’s an excellent substitute for cigarette smoking if you’re under stress.
- Easily and conveniently fight anxiety (such as flight anxiety), fears or phobias, or panic attacks by keeping CBD tincture or CBD gummies at hand.
5. Incorporate CBD To Your Skin And Beauty Regimen
CBD is not just sought for pain relief or stress management, but it’s also now being incorporated into skin and beauty regimen for better hair and skin health.
Here are some CBD products that you can integrate with your skin and beauty regimen:
- CBD Shampoo: CBD shampoos have high amounts of amino acids, which allow for a stronger, shinier, and thicker hair. CBD hair products also help protect your hair color. Tyrosine is one of the amino acids in CBD oil that plays a role in melanin production, responsible for giving color to your hair. Furthermore, because of CBD’s antioxidant properties, hair damage, caused by environmental factors and oxidative stress, is reduced.
- CBD Moisturizers And Lotions: CBD oil is also added to skin moisturizers and lotions to keep your skin smooth, hydrated, and healthy. CBD moisturizers help lock moisture in the skin to prevent dryness and flake production.
6. Use CBD As A Pain Reliever
Pain is an inevitable reality of life. While pain tolerance varies from one person to another, CBD can help reduce the perception of pain by indirectly affecting pain hormones, such as cytokines, adenosine, and serotonin.
Here are ways you can use CBD to manage everyday aches and pains:
- CBD Oil Tinctures: Keep a tiny bottle of CBD oil in your purse, handbag, or luggage, along with your first aid kit, to help you manage pain as it arises, anywhere and anytime.
- CBD Sublingual: If you have been injured because of intense training or workout, or a slip accident, popping CBD sublingual can help relieve intense pain while waiting for medical attention.
- CBD Edibles: For sustained pain relief effects, you can pop CBD gummies, drink CBD-infused beverages, or eat CBD-infused dishes.
- CBD Balms: Tired and tensed muscles can benefit from a soothing and healing massage using CBD oil or CBD balm.
7. Use CBD To Increase Work Productivity
In the workplace, you have assigned tasks and, sometimes, the workload becomes so heavy that you feel burnt out. During break time or lunchtime, you can grab CBD oil and add it to your meals or drinks to help lower your stress level and keep you calmer amid the busy work life in the office.
When you’re more relaxed, the pressure is reduced, thus helping you focus more on your responsibilities and allowing you to handle tasks more effectively. For employees working as frontliners or those directly dealing with clients or customers, using CBD products can help reduce nervousness and anxiety during difficult situations, most especially if you’re in the customer service field. You’ll better handle work tasks and increase your productivity levels, which brings positive results to both your professional and personal life.
CBD oil products come in different forms, including CBD edibles, capsules, pills, and tinctures. These CBD products help you in managing pain, insomnia, stress, anxiety, and other psychological and physiological health problems. These contain CBD in its purest form that works with the body’s endocannabinoid system, helping regulate pain sensation, appetite, mood, and sleep.
Also, CBD comes in the form of balms, salves, creams, moisturizers, and ointments to help treat skin conditions and to keep skin smooth and hydrated. CBD shampoos and conditioners are also beneficial in attaining thicker and healthy-looking hair. Of course, CBD can also be used as an effective workout supplement for faster muscle recovery.
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