We all get concerned when our hair begins to fall exponentially. Finding out the root cause and fixing it is the right way to solve the problem.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
The truth is that men face hair loss issues more commonly than women, but both sexes fall victim to issues like hair shedding and hair thinning. Not to mention, it can be demoralizing for everyone. Most of the time, you cannot pinpoint any one reason behind hair loss. It can be caused by simple reasons, such as vitamin deficiency, to reasons more complex, such as underlying health conditions.
The good news is, there are many methods to help treat hair loss issues for both men and women. The methods do depend on the root cause, so here are a few common (and a few unusual) reasons why you might be experiencing hair loss followed by ways you can deal with this issue.
Visit https://hairlossgeeks.com/ for more info on causes of hair loss and ways to deal with it.
Being Pregnant
Being pregnant causes physical stress which can lead to loss of hair. You are more likely to experience hair loss due to pregnancy after the delivery of your baby, rather than the actual period of pregnancy. You don’t need to worry much though, your hair is most likely to grow back in a couple of months after your child is delivered.
Not Consuming Enough Protein
You might experience hair loss if you are not consuming appropriate amounts of protein in your diet. This might be common for people who are on a keto diet as they have had a significant change in their eating habits. This can be easily treated by adding yogurt, eggs, chicken, or beans to your everyday food list.
Did Your Mom Lose Hair Too? You may be more likely to lose hair if there is a history of women in your family who have experienced hair loss by a particular age. Men usually face the problem of having a receding hairline, while women are more prone to noticeable thinning of hair and a widening part. Women can use over-the-counter drugs as prescribed by doctors to help grow or keep their hair.
Low Iron Levels
Another common cause for hair loss may be low levels of iron in your diet. Not having enough iron in your body may lead to iron deficiency anemia. Fatigue, shortness of breath, tiredness, and chest pain are a few symptoms of this condition. Your doctor may suggest you bring changes to your lifestyle or prescribe some iron supplements to help combat this situation. You can also consume more food that is rich in vitamin C and iron.
Suffering From Alopecia Areata
A common autoimmune skin disease called Alopecia Areata can cause hair from your head and other parts of your body to fall. People of all ages and ethnic groups can be affected by this condition. There is no certain way to tell how much hair fall will occur or if it will grow back. You can, however, treat it in several ways, such as injectable medications, oral medications, or some topical treatments.
Sudden Weight Loss
Thinning of your hair can be caused by physical trauma, such as sudden loss of weight. This might occur even if the weight loss was a positive thing for you. The very process of losing weight may suddenly put unintentional stress on your body.
If you don’t eat properly, you might get mineral or vitamin deficiency. Eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia can also cause hair loss or noticeable weight loss. The good news is that such reasons for weight loss usually get corrected automatically given some time.
Too Much Styling
If you have been using various hair treatments and performing a lot of styling over the years, it will have an impact on the quality of your hair and cause it to fall. Extreme styling activities such as hot-oil treatments, hair weaves, cornrows, tight braids, or even the use of chemical relaxers to straighten your hair might harm the hair roots, causing it not to grow back. The American Academy of Dermatology advises using conditioner after you shampoo your hair, and air dry your hair as well. Also, try limiting the time you use a curling iron to no more than once a week.
Getting Older
As women progress into their 50s and 60s, it is common to see some thinning and hair loss. According to experts, you should not try to treat this condition. Instead, you can use a cosmetic approach such as wigs, scarves, and different ways of styling your hair to conceal the thin spots. Prevention is always better than cure, so go for tricks to style your hair and make it look healthy and shiny, and avoid hair breakage at the same time.
Being Stressed or Unwell
Stress or illness can induce excessive shedding of hair. The body releases a hormone called cortisol when it is stressed, this results in hair loss as it affects the hair follicle. This shedding can continue for up to 3 months following an incident or illness.
Although not easy, the best way to prevent stress-induced hair loss is to reduce stress. You also need to consult with your dermatologist who may prescribe you drugs to combat any stress-induced hair loss. You must be patient and allow the medication or therapy to run its course.
A Thyroid Condition
There are many effects that thyroid conditions like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism can have on your hair. You may experience missing or thinning eyebrows, hair thinning or shedding, and less hair on different body parts. The best way to treat this is to consult with your doctor so you can treat the underlying factors first. There are many treatment options available that your doctor can inform you about to deal with your thyroid issues.
Final Words
Significant loss of hair can be a very stressful thing, so identifying the root cause goes a long way to treat it. We hope our points have enlightened you to find out what is causing your hair loss and to take steps to finally treat it.
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