In the United States, unhealthy eating habits lead to more than 650,000 deaths per year. These deaths are from nutrition or obesity-related diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
Learn how your eating habits do more for the body and mind than staying slim. Plus, get an example of a healthy balanced diet is in this guide.
What Happens to the Food in our Bodies?
Your body needs the nutrients in the food you eat to fuel the cells that perform certain functions. These functions are essential to your day to day life and your growth, development and maintaining normal body functions. When you eat food that is not rich in the nutrients your cells need, your body can’t perform as it should and your health will begin to decline.
Without the proper nutrients in the food you consume, your body doesn’t know how to work as it should which will lead to you not feeling well, being lethargic, and can develop diseases over time.
It can be difficult at times to develop healthy eating habits because we have a tendency to just grab whatever is easy or comforting so it’s important to focus on what foods we need to include in our daily diet, and not those that we should avoid.
Are My Eating Habits and Some Diseases Related?
Eating foods that have a high-fat content, low in fiber, or have to much salt or sugar, etc., can lead to a variety of different health complications. Over time if you do not eat a balanced diet you may develop high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type-2 diabetes, or depression, just to name a few.
You might also begin experiencing digestive issues like constipation, diarrhea and bloating if you develop an unhealthy gut. If you are suffering from these symptoms this article may help you turn it around and keep it from impacting your entire body.
An Example of a Balanced Diet
If you are ready to switch up your eating habits and get on the path to a healthier you, follow this easy guide that you can implement into your daily routine.
Eating a breakfast rich in fiber and protein will kick start your day and give you plenty of energy. Try and avoid foods that are high in fat and calorie content.
An example of a good breakfast would be some eggs, granola cereal or a bran muffin, and some fresh fruit. Once you start the day off right, you will want to keep going and avoid bad eating habits.
Generally, you will eat lunch when you are on the go, either at work or at school. It’s a good idea to pack a lunch with you so you aren’t tempted to run out and grab some quick fast food.
Pack a sandwich that is high in protein, like tuna fish, and a small salad or leftovers from last nights well-balanced dinner is a great idea too. If bringing your lunch is not an option, then try and choose a healthy option at the fast food place like a wrap or grilled chicken sandwich over burgers and fries.
It’s easy to overeat at dinner when you are able to sit down and relax for the day. Try and divide your meal up into four palm size portions, one for protein, a starch, and double vegetable.
Another idea is to use a smaller dinner plate. This will trick your brain into being full faster.
Time for a Healthier You
Once you stop thinking about food as the enemy and start thinking about how you can use it to work in your favor, you will be more likely to adopt better eating habits.
If you’d like more tips and advice, check out some of the other sections of our blog.
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