When it comes to a person’s ability to walk, this basic bodily function will inform one’s overall quality of life. When a patient is elderly or facing developing musculoskeletal and/or neurological issues, it can be difficult for the patient to walk and enjoy a full range of mobility. Walkers are a great tool that patients suffering from mobility disorders can depend on during everyday travel.
While some rehabilitation center workers may resort to a don’t-fix-what-isn’t-broken mentality, these caretakers must adapt in response to the latest-and-greatest of technological innovation, like The Perfect Walker—a prime example of an upright walker. Should rehabilitation centers remain loyal to the standard walker, or is it time for a change? Here are a few reasons why the rehabilitation centers in your area should switch to the upright walker.
The immediate benefits of using a walker
The most important benefit that an individual will experience when using an upright walker is that they’ll be granted more stability when walking from place-to-place. An upright walker allows the user to be more independent in their movement and extends the distance that they can naturally walk, without tiring. These walkers are ideal for those who have problems with stability in the knees and hips, specifically.
Walkers tend to be the next step up following cane use. The walker itself bears some of the weight of the user when in-use. This allows less stress to be placed on the body as the walker absorbs that extra load. This decreased stress of the body which can, in turn, allow the user to enjoy longer walks and not overwork their muscles.
Choosing the right walker
Walkers have been around for centuries. With their decades of use, there are, naturally, a variety of different options out there to choose from. All models work with the same concept of enhancing the mobility of their users. However, they’re not all manufactured the same way. It’s important to realize the differences between the two commonly-used types stocked on-the-market today.
The standard walker and the upright walker are the most commonly-used walker models. Originally, the standard walker was developed to assist an individual with more balance and support during walking. This former model was constructed with a light-weight aluminum frame and foam grip handles for easy use. However, there’s one major downfall of this type of walker. The user has to lean forward to use it, which can cause discomfort and/or chronic pain.
With an upright walker, the user receives all the same benefits the standard walker provides along with the perks of an upright walker’s structure. These models of walkers promote better posture and don’t force the user into a hunched position.
Avoiding postural stress
When you take a look at traditional walkers and rollators, most have two downfalls in common. First, the user has to slump over to grip onto the walker’s structure. Secondly, this posture interferes with the user’s walking pattern and requires them to shuffle their feet. Both of these models generate postural problems and exert excessive pressure on the back, neck, hands, and wrists.
Think about this for a moment. When you picture someone using a standard walker, you traditionally picture a user with a slumped-over back as these designed walkers were simply designed this way back-in-the-day. To most, an arched back is a symbol of those suffering from mobility issues. However, with new innovations in technology, standard walkers are no longer the ideal mobility aid.
Rather, the upright walker is becoming the new standard of comfort and freedom. These walkers allow the user to stay in a neutral standing position when operating the mobility technology. Upright walkers support the arms via padding on the top of the structure and padding on the handles for optimum wrist comfort.
With an upright walker, the user maintains an upright position which allows their eyesight to be forward and not facing down to the ground like with standard walkers. To avoid exacerbating the discomfort associated with mobility disorders, opt for an upright walker over a standard walker model.
The various benefits of upright walkers
Once you’ve reviewed the information above, you’ll have a relatively sturdy grasp on what upright walkers are and how they’re being utilized to enhance the lives of those suffering from mobility disorders.
Following the research guided by this list, you’ve discovered that an upright walker is highly preferred for enhancing posture, as compared to standard walkers that negatively impact a user’s natural posture. Let’s take a look at some of the other benefits you can receive from choosing an upright walker over other types of mobility aids on the market today.
After switching to an upright walker from a standard walker, you’ll notice how comfortable it is to use and how little strain is effected on the body. Due to the neutral position that your body maintains when operating an upright walker, you won’t have to expend exhausting amounts of energy. With a mobility aid engineered to support your body’s natural posture, it will feel like you’re walking independently without the walker.
Upright walkers are even built with comfortable armrests that cushion vulnerable joins and distributes your body weight evenly, without putting crushing pressure on your wrists. Don’t allow a standard walker to wreak havoc on your joints, invest in an upright walker.
Enhances stability
When using an upright walker, your body is put in a natural standing position. This helps to promote overall body stability. When comparing this to standard walkers where your body is contorted into a straining position, you’ll notice that your body won’t feel as unstable or tired after hours of use.
With an upright walker, your body is placed into a walking position that is ideal for overall stability. This way, your muscles don’t have to work as hard as they do when your body is forced into an unnatural position. With less muscle strain, those suffering from mobility issues can keep-up with their able-bodied loved ones and maintain their fast-paced lifestyles.
Why should the upright walker be the new norm for rehab centers?
Rehabilitation centers act as a hub for patients seeking medical treatment in hopes of feeling better, strengthening their bodies, and regaining a sense of normalcy. Any qualified caretaker should recommend the upright walker for any of their patients struggling with stability issues.
Recommending standard walkers will only further strain the bodies of your patients who suffer from musculoskeletal and/or neurological issues. This creates an unhealthy hunched over posture and causes their feet to widen unnaturally as they shuffle to walk.
With an upright walker, you can provide a mobility-aid solution to your patients that’s natural for the body to use. One look at an upright walker and you’ll notice how much of a difference the change in position can make in the lives of your patients. Now, you can finally recommend a walking aid that can provide a youthful future for patients over a mobility aid that creates more postural and bodily problems in the future.
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