Why Digital is the Future of Healthcare

Updated on January 24, 2020

When it comes to healthcare many advances have been made in the last few years. If you look back a little further, the advances in the last fifty are phenomenal.

However, there are still many more that can be made, and in the next few years digital technology will take healthcare even further. How? Read on to find out.

Superior collaboration

The biggest change we’ll see in the healthcare industry is the collaboration that’ll occur across industries and expertise. This means that any big companies working on technological advancements will be able to merge scientific expertise to push forward advancements in the world of healthcare, helping to improve services and the equipment available.

Not only this, but we’ll also see better collaboration between surgeries and hospitals, as they’ll be able to communicate between each other much quicker than before. This will help to ensure that files are transferred and updated in real-time without potentially fatal delays.

Bed management

Working in hospitals with hundreds, if not thousands of patients can be extremely stressful for doctors and nurses. This issue is becoming much worse with a large shortage of staff affecting the NHS.

Therefore, ensuring patients are managed effectively and quickly becomes even more important, and bed management systems could help to streamline things for those working on wards. These systems provide constant monitoring of the admissions, discharges and patient flow of a hospital, allowing those working to identify the availability of beds across wards, enabling the allocation of patients much quicker and easier, and providing the patients with treatment and comfort in no time.

Big data

With the introduction of electronic records, those working in the healthcare industry have been able to collect and store much more data. As we continue to advance and data collection and storage systems become much better, this collection of data will continue to increase. This will have a direct knock-on effect on hospitals. Helping to not only improve costs and efficiencies but improving patient outcomes due to the knowledge accessible to doctors and nurses.

Better drug discovery

As more and more data and information is collected and stored, this not only helps to improve hospitals and care in the here and now, but in the future too. With the development of new medicines taking years, between 10 and 15 to be precise, digital advancements could help to speed up this process.

Due to the quicker analysis afforded through these technologies, drug candidates will be able to be identified much quicker, helping to speed up testing for drug efficiencies with precision beyond human capability, helping to get beneficial drugs into the market much quicker.

Improved precision

While we’ve mentioned the improved precision, patients will also be able to add to this as we move into a world of more advanced digital technologies. This is due to apps available through smartphones and tablets allowing patients to successfully monitor their health between appointments with their doctors, helping them to become much more assertive with their healthcare, while helping medical professionals along the way too.  

As you can see, despite the hundreds, if not thousands of technological advancements that have benefitted the healthcare industry over the last few decades, there are still many more improvements that can be made. And, with the ever-changing digital landscape, it looks like in a few years we’ll have a healthcare industry that’s bigger and better than we’ve ever known.

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