When to Consider In-Home Care for Parkinson’s in Pennsylvania?

Updated on April 18, 2022

Parkinson’s Disease, like any other brain ailment, is pretty mysterious in nature, even now.

Thus, managing the same or caring for an individual suffering from the illness can come with a mix of confusion, disbelief, and fear. Due to this reason, it’s always better to select in-home care and let the patient be with a specialist.

However, the question still stands, “when should you consider opting for a caregiver for the person in-need of it?”

Well, in our opinion, there’s no need to wait for a “specific time” before approaching a care provider for the patient. If someone in your family has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, be sure to find an attendant for them promptly.

How Can A Caregiver Help A Parkinson’s Patient?

At one point or another, a Parkinson’s patient will require some help regarding their everyday tasks. For instance, they may ask you to assist them with drinking water or to get out of their house and go somewhere else.

Now, if you’re busy, it’ll not be possible for you to offer your assistance. Hence, in that case, you will need the help of a caregiver. Here’s how they can help you out. 

Option – 1: Daily Mobility 

People who have Parkinson’s Disease tend to lose their mobility after some time. Hence, they might need some extra help with dressing, bathing, eating, or using the loo. 

A caregiver, due to their experience and understanding, can offer them the space they need. Besides, they will also respect everyone’s privacy when it’s needed. 

Option – 2: Exercise 

The effects of Parkinson’s Disease can get delayed to some extent if the patient exercises daily. No, we are not talking about running or performing chest workouts at all. 

Instead, walking daily, stretching, maintaining balance, etc., can be helpful as well. In these aspects, having a caregiver beside the individual can be pretty beneficial. 

Option – 3: Meal Planning 

As you probably already know, people with Parkinson’s disease usually forget about almost everything. Thus, taking care of the planning alone will not be easy enough for them. 

Again, an experienced in-home care provider can help them plan their breakfast, meal, and dinner efficiently. Also, the patient can take their assistance in scheduling their medicines. 

Option – 4: Personal Supervision

Parkinson’s disease can often lead to an unsteady gait. Hence, even when you are walking straight, you may end up falling or tripping on your feet. 

You can avoid the same from happening to your loved one by hiring a personal caregiver. They will stay with the person throughout the day and supervise their activities constantly. 

Option – 5: Transportation

Driving a bike or a car will be nearly impossible for people suffering from Parkinson’s. Even if they try to do so, their risk of losing control would be pretty high in this aspect. 

However, if you hire a home care provider for the person in need, they can drive them to the doctor’s appointment, parks, or therapy sessions.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions 

As of now, we have talked about how hiring a home care provider can be ideal for a patient with Parkinson’s. However, in this section, we will do something entirely different – answer the queries that may occur in your mind. 

Let’s keep reading, then. 

When Should Someone With Parkinson’s Go Into Care? 

In our opinion, you should try hiring a caregiver after an individual has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s. The appointment should be made right away so that both of them get enough time to get used to each other. 

Can Parkinson’s Patients Be Cared For At Home?

Yes, a Parkinson’s patient can, indeed, be cared for at home. However, if you want the best possible results, you will have to opt for a professional caregiver. Also, before you hire them, make sure to offer your judgment at the beginning. 


So, now, we will be concluding our article. Yes, we know we have cramped up many data within a small sample size. Hence, if you find anything to be confusing, make sure to reach us in the comment section below. We will try to help you out in any way we can. 

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