When you are pregnant, taking care of yourself is very important. Since you will be caring for two, it is good taking better care of yourself during and after pregnancy since this is going to ensure good health for you and your child. Here is how you can keep you and your baby as healthy as possible during and after pregnancy.
Have a Prenatal Health Care
The key to protecting your health and the health of your child is to go for regular prenatal care. When you think you are pregnant, you need to contact your health care provider for your first prenatal appointment to be scheduled. Though, a good number of health care providers won’t schedule the first visit before it is eight weeks of pregnancy unless there is a problem. At your first visit, your health care provider will conduct a pregnancy test and figure out the number of weeks pregnant you are based on a physical examination and the date of your last period. The health care provider will also use this information in predicting your delivery date. If you are so healthy and there are no complications, many health care providers will need to see you. Your healthcare provider is the one who is going to recommend the necessary birth and pregnancy productsyou are going to use during and after pregnancy.
Drink Plenty of Fluid and Do Some Exercise
It is essential to drink plenty of fluids, especially water, during pregnancy. When you drink enough water, each day can help you prevent common problems such as dehydration and constipation. It is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week if you are not highly active or doing intensity activity. Having regular exercise can help you prevent excess weight gain and reduce pregnancy-related problems like back pain, swelling, and constipation, improving sleep, increasing your energy, boosting your mood, preparing your body for labor, and lessening the recovery time after the birth.
Get Enough Sleep
Getting enough sleep is very important during your pregnancy. You are going to feel more tired than usual, probably. As your baby becomes more significant, it will be harder to find a comfortable sleeping position. Lying on the side with the knees bent is most likely the most comfortable position as your pregnancy progresses. It also eases your heart’s job since it keeps the baby’s weight from putting pressure on the aorta. It can also help you prevent or reduce varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and the swelling in your legs.
Take Nutrition and Supplements
Since you will be eating for two or more, this isn’t the time for you to cut calories or go on a diet. It would be best if you tried maintaining a well-balanced diet that incorporates: proteins, such as lean meats, fruits and vegetables, whole-grain, and low-fat dairy products. Your healthcare provider will also recommend to you the prenatal vitamins and other birth and pregnancy products. The prenatal vitamins are only meant to supplement your diet, and not to be your only source of much-needed nutrients.
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