While being pregnant is quite a challenge, coupling it with hemorrhoids is even more daunting. Nevertheless, they are quite profound among 90% of pregnant women.
For a myriad of women in their third trimester, seeing blood in the toilet bowl is indeed a panic trigger, whereas for others, it can be sheer frustration. In many instances, women who suffer from pregnancy-related constipation have an 85% chance of getting hemorrhoids.
The development of hemorrhoids occurs when the veins around and in the anus swell as a result of the pressure triggered by the weight of your pregnant uterus. The most renowned symptoms are a burning sensation in the anus, severe itching, and pain when passing out stool.
Hard bowel movements over the swollen veins are the root cause of internal hemorrhoids which are externally depicted as painful, blue-colored bumps on the outer part of the anus. Hemorrhoids appear either on your last or first trimester. Due to the hormonal changes in the first stages of pregnancy, 80% of women encounter constipation and thus, they end up straining. According to a plethora of gynecologists, it is this strain which poses the greatest risk of developing hemorrhoids.
In the last stage of pregnancy, a woman’s heavy uterus puts immense pressure on the close by veins, thereby leading to small bulges of blood vessels around and in the rectum.
One of the best means of preventing hemorrhoids is the minimization of straining which entails refraining from any form of heavy lifting. For the alleviation of straining during constipation, pregnant women are advised to change their diet. In addition to hormonal fluctuations, constipation in pregnancy can be caused by the lack of fiber.
Hormonally, 70% of pregnant women eat what they want as opposed to what they need (a balanced diet). Coupling with foods which are rich in fiber, it is also recommended to not only consume probiotics but also drink plenty of water.
Have a Chat with Your Doctor
Pregnant women who suspect they have hemorrhoids ought to mention it during their visits to their gynecologists without feeling embarrassed, as it is normal. It is critical to raise the issue if you have seen blood as it may be an indication of a serious cause.
Those who wish to know sooner can do so using a mirror, more so, if they are external since they will be visible around the opening of the anus. However, the internal hemorrhoids will need to be looked at by a doctor.
While there is no cure for hemorrhoids, a doctor can treat the symptoms until they fizzle out. In most cases, doctors advise pregnant women to manage the symptoms until after delivery, as they do not fully disappear until post-partum.
If you continue experiencing discomfort despite increasing your water and fiber intake, then you are advised to consult your doctor about taking over-the-counter hemorrhoid products that are rich in Pramoxine (a pain reliever). Furthermore, soaking in a bath with either Epsom salts or hazel eases discomfort significantly. In some cases, an over-the-counter stool softener also helps.
Overall, while hemorrhoids are usually regarded as a minor health issue, you should not let that deter you from going for an examination. The ultimate objective is hemorrhoid relief, and for a multitude of pregnant women, this certainly means an office visit. If you need to know more information click here.
Hemorrhoids during Labor
A profusion of women encounters hemorrhoids during labor, due to the strain caused when pushing the baby out. Therefore, this forces the veins in the perianal region and anus to swell. While you have the option of consulting your doctor, nurse, or midwife about medication, if the hemorrhoids are a non-issue to you, then you have the option of ignoring them until they eventually go away.