While many men prefer not to speak about it, the harsh reality is that nearly 5 million men in the US alone suffer from low testosterone levels.
Not only can low testosterone levels lead to some major health concerns, but it also can create side effects that can be detrimental to a man’s confidence.
Which explains why so many men are turning to testosterone replacement therapy as a way to help feel more like themselves again.
If you or someone you love is suffering from low testosterone levels and are curious as to whether or not testosterone replacement therapy can help, read on for more information.
The Signs of Low Testosterone
Before diving into what methods can help normalize your testosterone levels, it’s important to be aware of whether or not low testosterone is really is the problem.
Many of the symptoms commonly associated with low testosterone can often be a result of other causes such as a change in diet or higher than usual stress.
This is why it’s always important to have your testosterone levels checked by a medical professional
That being said the sooner you can recognize the signs and symptoms of low testosterone levels the sooner you can be checked out by your doctor or physician.
Some of the symptoms of low testosterone levels include
- A dramatic change in sleep patterns, such as not being able to sleep at all or waking up frequently throughout the night
- Putting on weight easily and frequently, especially around the belly region.
- Challenges during sex, a reduced libido, or problems with fertility.
- Feeling a decrease in motivation, feeling fatigued, or depressed.
- Signs of heart problems or congestive heart failure.
If you or someone you love is noticing the signs of low testosterone speak to your physician as soon as possible. They will be able to suggest a solid next step if testosterone is the problem.
What Causes Low Testosterone Levels
While many men feel embarrassed or ashamed about their low testosterone levels, it’s important to understand that this is a completely natural cycle.
In fact, every man over the age of 30 will slowly begin to have lowered testosterone levels each year throughout the rest of their life.
The trouble starts when the natural process of aging is accompanied by other factors that increase dropping testosterone levels to the point where they become a problem.
There are a number of reasons why low testosterone can occur. For example, if someone has suffered an injury particularly one that affected the testes, this can often result in reduced testosterone production.
It’s Not Your Fault
The symptoms of battling traumatic diseases such as cancer can also result in low testosterone levels.
Some lifestyle changes can attribute to low testosterone levels such as alcohol abuse, suffering from obesity or losing an extreme amount of weight in a short period of time.
Those suffering from conditions like sleep apnea are also more likely to have low testosterone levels.
External factors like radiation exposure can also play a role in developing low testosterone levels.
The important thing is to understand that testosterone levels can be attributed to a number of factors, many of which are not your fault.
Fortunately, there are several ways that men can now take control of their testosterone levels.
Using Testosterone Replacement Therapy to Restore Testosterone Levels
Science has come a long way in finding numerous solutions that allow men to restore their testosterone levels.
One of the most well-known and effective tools for restoring testosterone levels is through testosterone replacement therapy.
While the majority of men use testosterone replacement therapy as a way to enhance their libido, there are additional benefits that come from choosing this approach.
In fact, research suggests that higher testosterone levels result in a longer life span. Men with higher testosterone levels also show better cognitive responses, especially when it came to their vocabulary and mathematic skills.
So, live longer, have better sex, and sound smarter? It sounds like a win. But how does it work?
Well, typing in a search for a trt clinic near me is a great place to start. This will help you find potential treatment centers that can give you more information on how their specific processes work.
That being said, the process of most hormone replacement services are fairly similar. Typically, testosterone replacement therapy is administered as an injection placed directly into the muscle.
Your physician will first screen you to confirm that you are a viable candidate for the treatment. For example, the treatment may not be as effective in those who are suffering from low testosterone levels as a result of illness or injury.
From here, you can expect to notice the effects within the 3 weeks. It’s also suggested that injections are continued for at least 6 months.
Taking Control of Your Health
As we age, there are a number of ways we can take better care and control of our health. In addition to effective treatments like testosterone replacement therapy, it helps to take a hard look at your current lifestyle.
Taking the time to create a balanced diet and consistent exercise routine is crucial. You’ll also want to educate yourself on the rising health trends, what works, and what doesn’t. The more you know about your body and how it works, the easier it will be to care for it.
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