More and more people are considering herbal medicine. Testimonials are growing each day that proves herbal medicine is the better option. Studies confirm it’s great to use and help us, humans. They are sold in different forms. They are sold as pills or tablets, syrup, powder, extracts, capsules, oils or even dried leaves of these plants.
Some say they are safer since lesser chemicals are used. However, traditional medicine is still suggested if herbal medicine is ineffective in the treatment of the disease.
Its main goal is the usage of natural remedies found in plants to help the body return to its normal state and balance it so it will regenerate good cells and heal itself. There are a lot of medicinal uses for specific plants or herbs that anyone can check online (read more).
One viral herb is “hemp”. Now, what is it anyway? It is different from what we all know as marijuana. Hemp is a strain of the Cannabis Sativa plant which is cultivated for its fiber or its edible seeds. They both come from the same plant species but come from two different strains of the plant. It contains 0.3% or less THC content, unlike the usual marijuana drug that we know.
Industrial hemp is safer and has a lot of medicinal qualities. Hemp oil is also different from CBD (cannabidiol oil). The oil from hemp seeds is from the smaller seeds of the Cannabis Sativa plant and these seeds do not have the same compounds as the plant. They both have rich nutrients that are very useful though that is why it is already known for its medicinal properties.
Hemp as Topicals
Through studies and experiments, experts introduced hemp topical that is used nowadays. Processed and applied topically, this helps in alleviating localized pain in any part of the body. It also gives some sort of relaxation and leaves out the painful feeling.
This appears to be the latest trend in health and skincare specially when it comes to pain relief. More and more herbal believers strongly agree that hemp as a topical cream is helpful and can make their lives comfortable.
People now have a choice whether to go with prescribed pills or tablets to help with pain or just stick with hemp oils or topical. You can check out websites like the Complete Hemp to find some hemp oil or CBD plants extract for inflammation and pain relief.
Some people might be concerned about absorption after applying oil or topical on the area, that is not the case though. When applied topically or unto the skin it does not reach the bloodstream. However, it can be absorbed if applied liberally as it is porous to one’s skin through the pores.
7 Amazing Benefits of Hemp Topicals
- Pain Relief
It serves as localized pain management in any part of one’s body. It can be your back, knees, shoulder, arms, thigh or even your neck area. It is great for pain management and treats the area well. It is also said as fast-acting that once you apply it to your concerned area it will provide quick relief.
- Helps with Psoriasis
This is a very serious skin disease that causes itchy and painful patches on the skin that appear to be very red. Currently, there is no known cure yet for this condition. Patients with this condition can only purchase creams and topicals that help with the itchiness and minimize the symptoms. Well, hemp topical can be one amazing and powerful treatment option.
- Youthful Skin
As mentioned above topical hemp products are also popular in the skincare industry. It can bring out young and great looking skin! It can an amazing key to be added to one’s beauty regimen.
Many believe and testify that it can do wonders on your skin! Visit this link: to know more.
Studies say that cannabis happens to be an antioxidant, a powerful one. Antioxidants can help maintain healthy cells that can keep our skin beautiful. It can help with the skin’s healing process and speed it up for healthy-looking skin.
- Helps with Sexual Pleasure
Cannabis is also known as an aphrodisiac for women. Problems with arousal and low sexual pleasure can be adjusted and enhanced by this product.
- Arthritis
This condition is usually found with elderly people. A lot of cases are reported all over the world suffer from this. Its primary symptom is a pain in the joints caused by inflammation and swelling of the said area. Since hemp topical is one of the best answers for pain relief then it is one potent remedy for this condition. How great would that be that after applying the topical, fast relief is on the way?
- Burns
It can happen to anyone, anytime. This may happen while cooking, lighting up the fireplace or even accidentally touching a very hot surface. Healing time takes weeks or even months if this happens. Plus, it can severely damage one’s skin. If there’s a burn then there’s pain due to inflammation. Hemp can be your friend during this time. It can soothe the inflammation in the area and reduce the pain at the same time. A good topical can even help the burn heal faster than usual.
- Bacterial Infection (skin)
Hemp topicals or cannabinoids also contain anti-bacterial properties. It can provide relief for a good number of bacterial infections. Most of the time, to fight infections, we are prescribed with antibiotics. However, if one uses antibiotics all the time it can lead to antibiotic resistance that the body won’t receive it anymore. Plus, taking antibiotics can also cause other conditions in the future.
Indeed herbal medicine has a lot of breakthroughs that can alleviate symptoms of certain conditions. It is safe and practical as it is not very expensive as well. Some may say yes to this and some may still opt for prescribed medicine. It also depends on each person’s belief and choice.
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