Westmont Hilltop High School students participated in Westy-THON, an overnight dance marathon held at the school in April. Fundraising efforts continued through the month of May and early June. A portion of the proceeds for this year’s event were donated to Teenage Trauma Prevention programs available through the Conemaugh Health System.
Conemaugh Physician Group Trauma Surgeons Dr. S. Lee Miller and Dr. Russell Dumire attended the marathon to personally thank each student for the efforts and dedication to prevention teen trauma. “This is a wonderful statement of commitment from our youth to support prevention of injuries to their peers in this community,” says Dr. Dumire.
In addition to the dance, the MedStar helicopter was available for students to explore while talking with members of the Conemaugh Trauma Team. Erin Suppes, Westmont student, sold t-shirts and organized the event for her senior project. She presented a check for $1,100 to Conemaugh Health System following the event.
The Conemaugh Health Foundation (CHF) is a nonprofit, qualified charitable organization responsible for raising funds to support the programs and services of the Conemaugh Health System and its members. Individuals and businesses, who embrace the mission of the Conemaugh Health Foundation, respond to fulfill unmet community needs especially among at-risk children, the elderly and underserved.
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