Trying to find a dentist can be difficult. Some of us are afraid to even enter the clinic! That being said, it’s a very important part of our health and wellness. If you’re wondering what sort of services you should be looking for, let me provide a list!
Teeth Whitening
To some extent, this is something you can help yourself with at home. Regularly flossing and brushing your teeth is something highly recommended by the American Dental Association, like they detail here. However, over time there are a lot of factors that lead to yellowing or discoloration of teeth.
Causes of Tooth Discoloration
Frequent consumption of certain types of food and drink are a common culprit. This can range from red wine to coffee or tea. Anything you consume that has an intense pigmentation to it, including food dye, can impact the brightness of your teeth.
Certain medications can also yellow your teeth. Frequently, it’s caused by something like antihistamines, high blood pressure medications, or some antipsychotics. However, there are a few other causes in this category. Chemotherapy, or antibiotics taken in childhood during teeth formation can also darken your teeth.
Stains on your teeth are also unfortunately frequent with use of tobacco. Particularly chewed tobacco, but cigarettes can also lead to it. This is because of the tar and nicotine in these products.
How Teeth Whitening Works
The procedure is a cosmetic one, but fairly popular. Especially due to all the different factors behind tooth discoloration. The whitening process is fairly simple and combines two different types of bleaching chemicals.
It’s important to keep in mind that whitening isn’t for everyone. You should always talk to your dentist before deciding on something like this! Especially if you opt for an in-office bleaching service like I mentioned before.
Routine Dental Exams and Cleaning
This is the most common reason for going to the dentist. We should probably see a dentist at least once a year for a routine dental exam and teeth cleaning. This helps prevent cavities and address any problems that might arise that we might not notice but our dentist will. There are a lot of clinics who offer their services on their websites like this one,, that can help you maintain your overall mouth health!
What Happens in a Routine Exam?
Part of my personal trepidation behind visiting the dentist is I don’t know what will happen in one! It can be really scary to go in not knowing what to expect. Especially with our own cultural fear of dentists.
That being said, there’s really nothing to worry about. In a routine exam, your dentist will check for cavities, tooth decay, or any lesions in your gums. If you schedule a cleaning in conjunction with the exam (which is typical), they will also clean your teeth. This helps get rid of built-up plaque in your mouth.
While it will usually result in your teeth looking cleaner, it’s important to keep in mind that this isn’t the same as teeth whitening procedures. No bleach will be used. At the end of your appointment, they will probably tell you how to take care of your teeth at home!
Taking Care of Your Teeth After
Your provider should give you recommendations for at-home care following a routine exam and cleaning. Obviously, this starts with brushing your teeth and flossing. If you’d like an in-depth article on this topic, you can find one here: They might give recommendations on how to do those things.
It might seem obvious, but sometimes it can be difficult to properly maintain our teeth. That’s what our providers are there to help with! It’s best to listen to their advice closely and try to apply it later at home as well.
Tooth Extractions
Of all the dental procedures, this might be one that is the most intimidating. I know I’ve said that before, but a lot of us have experienced the pain of having a tooth extracted! One of the worst and most infamous might be wisdom teeth removal.
However, that’s not the only reason you might need to have a tooth pulled. While WebMD gives a fairly extensive list here, let me explain a bit more simply.
Reasons Behind Tooth Extraction
Naturally, there are several factors that might lead to a necessary tooth removal. One of them is infection. This will typically be painful and obvious in your mouth. While sometimes it can be fixed with Root Canal Therapy or antibiotics, if it gets severe enough the tooth will have to be extracted.
Additionally, if your tooth is at risk for infection, this might be another reason. If you’re immunocompromised, it might be dangerous to leave the tooth in your mouth. It could lead to more serious health complications in the future.
Another reason, and the last I’ll touch on here, is overcrowding. This is one of the main reasons I needed to have my wisdom teeth extracted. I have a pretty serious case of overcrowding in my mouth! If you also have this, and are planning on getting braces, this might be an option for you. It’s always best to talk to your dentist, of course.
Dentists Aren’t Scary
As much as we might fear them, at the end of the day, they really aren’t as terrifying as they might seem. Orthodontal health and care is really important for our overall wellness. Sometimes it might not seem like it. I know for a while I really brushed off the health of my teeth.
However, the well-being of our teeth also impacts the rest of our body. If you don’t regularly brush, floss, and visit your dentist, you might be opening yourself to health risks down the line. Not to mention, it can cause some cosmetic issues as well.
Our beauty standard tends to lean towards white teeth. While you might not want to formally whiten your teeth, it’s a good idea to regularly get them cleaned. That’s why it’s so important to regularly get routine exams!
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