Try These Tried & Tested Home Remedies to Reduce Snoring 

Updated on April 3, 2023

Snoring can be a nuisance, both for you and your partner. It’s important to take steps to reduce the snoring, so you and your partner can get a better night’s sleep. So without further ado, here are a few home remedies that you can try to reduce or stop your snoring – from avoiding alcohol before bed to investing in a mouthguard for snoring in Australia.

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol relaxes the throat muscles, which can make it more difficult to keep your airways open while sleeping. Trying to avoid alcohol or drinking it in moderation before bed can help reduce snoring. 

Elevate Your Head

Elevating your head while sleeping may help open your airways and make it easier for air to flow through them. You can try using extra pillows or an adjustable bed base that allows you to elevate the head of the bed slightly.

Change Your Sleeping Position

Sleeping on your back makes it more likely for your tongue and soft palate to collapse into the throat, which can lead to snoring. Try sleeping on your side instead, as this position helps keep the airway open and reduces snoring.

Lose Weight

Being overweight can cause fatty tissues around the neck area, narrowing the airways and leading to snoring. Losing weight may help reduce or even eliminate snoring completely.

Quit Smoking

Smoking irritates the lining of the nose and throat, causing swelling that narrows the airways and leads to snoring. Quitting smoking is beneficial for many reasons, including reducing snoring at night!

Exercise Your Throat Muscles

Exercising your throat muscles helps make them stronger, which helps keep your airways open when you’re asleep and reduces or eliminates snoring altogether. A few exercises include saying “ahh” out loud multiple times a day or pushing against each wall of your mouth with two fingers for several seconds each time (while keeping lips together). 

Use a Humidifier

Dry air in bedrooms can irritate nasal passages leading to congestion, which means less room for airflow when you’re asleep, thus causing more noise from those pesky vibrations called snores! A humidifier will add moisture into the air, making it easier for air flow and therefore reducing if not eliminating any signs of unwelcome snoring.

Use a Mouthguard for Snoring

While there are some anti-snore aids available over the counter (such as pillows or chin straps), most opt for custom fit mouthguards for their lifestyle needs, as these are tailored specifically just for them. This will provide maximum comfort and effectiveness in fighting off any potential signs of unwanted noisy night-time activity, due to its snug fit and design.

Try some (or all!) of these anti-snoring tips tonight

There are many things you can try if you’re looking to reduce or even stop your annoying night-time habit of snoring. The best approach is to experiment with what works best for you. Good luck!

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