Nothing reflects the age of an organism as accurately as teeth. In the elderly, the gum recedes even the dental nerves become smaller making you less sensitive to any oral problem. Therefore, dental care in old age is as much for cosmetic purposes as it is for health. And this dental care doesn’t come cheap. But old age spares no one. Therefore, orthodontic technology has made some impressive advances in order to make Primary Dental services for seniors living in Miami better affordable for everyone, regardless of their finances. In this article, we will attempt to look at some of those advances.
- 3D Dental Imaging
The 3 D Dental Imaging utilizes a robotic x-ray arm that rotates around your head. While rotating, it takes several hundred pictures at every required angle and sends the file to a software that puts together a 3 D image of your oral architecture. The technology known as Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) renders these images in 3D as opposed to the 2D architecture offered by traditional x-ray examinations. This is better than 2D images in the fact that it is more precise and provides greater detail which is required in a successful surgery. It also reduces exposure to radiation, allows the dentist to zoom in on a particular area and control the image quality.
- Digital Impressions
Gone are the days when alginate materials were extensively used for dental impressions. They were not only arduous to prepare but also prone to several errors during the impression taking process. Digital impressions allow dentists to record a virtual, computer generated copy of the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity with the use of lasers and other scanning machines and are completely non- invasive. Although the traditional methods are less costly and the equipment is readily available, digital impressions have been found to be extremely precise and helpful in tricky cases and does not cause any discomfort to the patient. There is also no possibility of incorporation of air bubbles which is the case with traditional impression taking methods.
- Novel materials for orthodontic archwires
Traditionally more stainless-steel wires were used for teeth alignment. However, nickel-titanium archwires that are now used have low stiffness, more strength and a long working range. This means that these wires allow greater tooth movement and respond to the heat of the mouth, bending and tightening more naturally than other materials that were previously in use. Although on the higher end of the cost spectrum, the dentist appointments are greatly reduced, providing economical benefit as well.
- Temporary Anchorage Devices
Temporary anchorage devices resemble miniscrews placed in the alveolar or extra alveolar bone of the mouth to provide orthodontic anchorage. These are termed as temporary because as soon as their function is done-which is to align the teeth for a designated period, it is completely removed. These may be used along with braces. Although the TADs have been around for more than 35 years, it is now that new materials and effective design have made them a commonplace tool in orthodontics.
- Robotic Wire Bending Technology
Malocclusion is a common oral problem and bending the orthodontic archwire is an important procedure to correct it. The major challenges in implementing this procedure remains the precise positioning and posture control ability. This is easily overcome by a robotic arm whose stiffness and bolding ability can provide more control, accuracy and efficiency in the development of personalized archwire and promote the development of next stage orthodontic devices.
These advances paired with a boost to research on low-cost materials to develop these devices will dramatically improve oral health across the globe. Even currently, these Primary Care Dental services for seniors can be availed at many hospitals and dental research stations. The advancement of all these technologies is also focused on keeping these services mobile so that they can be scaled at unprecedented levels. The day is not far when maintaining oral health will not remain a luxury for many.
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