Tips for taking proper care of dental crowns

Updated on April 9, 2021

Even if you have perfectly aligned teeth, an odd tooth that is cracked and damaged can spoil your smile if it remains visible. Moreover, living with a damaged tooth is dangerous as it will gradually weaken and might fall off. Then there is the risk of swallowing the fractured part if the tooth breaks while eating. Therefore, repairing damaged teeth should be a priority for reasons of aesthetics and oral health. Cosmetic dentistry has the right solutions for repairing damaged teeth besides correcting other flaws that help restore the perfect smile.  Teeth damage can happen due to decay or trauma, like when you accidentally bite something very hard when eating.  

Dental crowns are most popular for repairing damaged teeth as it offers complete protection to the natural teeth under it.  A dental crown resembles a natural tooth and is made from high-quality materials used for dentistry that sits over the damaged tooth and withstands all exposures.   To ensure that the dental crown matches your natural teeth, you can choose the appropriate color. Besides protecting damaged teeth, dental crowns help give a quick cosmetic makeover to discolored teeth. 

Your target should be to make the dental crown last its life which can be 30 years or more depending on the material type. However, dental crowns’ longevity depends a lot on their proper use and care, which you will learn about from this article

Here is how to take proper care of dental crowns.

Regular brushing and flossing

Since the dental crown sits upon the natural teeth and functions in the same way, it remains vulnerable to plaque formation. Since the crown is a member of your teeth set, you must care for it just like your natural teeth by cleaning the plaque film that forms daily. Brush your teeth daily twice a day for at least two minutes and follow the proper brushing technique. Daily flossing will clean the gaps between teeth and prevent the chances of infection from trapped food particles. Since the crown sits tightly in place, there is no fear of dislodging it during brushing. 

Avoid hard and sticky foods

Dental crowns substitute your natural teeth and are as solid and durable but still prone to damage. Chewing hard candies and ice is dangerous for crowns that might chip or crack or even break. Early replacement of the crown will only add to the cost. Even if the crown becomes loose, it creates a gap or pocket between the tooth and gum, which is susceptible to infection due to the accumulation of food particles. Avoiding hard and sticky food is not only good for the crown but all other teeth too. 

Bite safely

Even if you avoid eating hard and sticky foods, you could still damage the dental crown if you have the habit of chewing your nails or pencils or fond of biting ice cubes.  Using your teeth for opening bottles of soft drinks is dangerous for your teeth as well as crowns. 

The sooner you get rid of these habits, the longer will the crown last. 

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