Knee pain is a problem that plagues about 25% of American adults at any given moment. It limits their ability to get around and prevents them from taking part in some of the activities that they’d like to participate in.
Do you want to make sure that you aren’t forced to deal with pesky knee problems? Then you should make your knee health a bigger priority to ensure that you have healthy knees at all times.
Learning how to take care of your knees will get you off to a great start. By practicing the proper knee care at all times, you can steer clear of future knee issues and continue to get around like you are now.
Here is how to keep your knees healthy for the foreseeable future.
Keep Yourself at a Healthy Weight
Many recent studies have suggested that more than 40% of Americans are obese at this time. A large percentage of people also fall just short of being considered obese but are still in the overweight category.
If you’re either obese or overweight, you should try and do something about it ASAP. All of the extra weight that you’re carrying around is putting an extra strain on your knees and causing them to break down quicker than they would otherwise.
By losing even five or ten pounds, you can take a lot of stress off your knees and work to keep them healthier. You won’t have to be as worried about seeking knee care when you’re at a healthy weight.
Get Enough Exercise on a Regular Basis
There are some people who mistakenly believe that exercising will put them at an increased risk of developing knee issues. But this isn’t the case, as exercise can help develop healthy knees as opposed to hurting them.
You should, of course, stay away from high-impact exercises that are going to take a huge toll on your knees, especially if you’re overweight. But by maintaining a regular running or walking routine, you can work wonders for your knees.
Studies have shown that those who run or walk are less likely to develop conditions like osteoarthritis that can affect the knees and cause pain.
Beef Up the Muscles Surrounding Your Knees
There are several muscles that surround the knee and work to keep it strong and healthy. If you don’t work these muscles out very often, it can be one of the many reasons why you eventually start to feel pain in your knees.
When you’re trying to figure out how to take care of your knees, you should make it a point to exercise these muscles. Some of the muscles you should target are the:
- Hamstrings
- Quadriceps
- Abductors
By beefing these muscles up, you’ll protect your knees from certain conditions and keep them healthier overall. You can also try this treatment.
Practice Good Posture at All Times
How is your posture? If it’s not good, there is a decent chance that you’ve probably dealt with back pain at various points in your life.
About 80% of people deal with back pain these days, and poor posture is often the culprit behind it. When people don’t spend their days standing up straight, they put a strain on their backs that often results in pain.
And it’s not just their backs that bear the brunt of their poor posture. People also suffer from hip and—you guessed it—knee pain because of posture problems.
When you don’t stand up straight, it puts a ton of extra weight on joints like your hips and knees. You should do what you can to practice good posture if you’re concerned about how to keep knees healthy.
Put the Right Shoes on Your Feet Every Day
The shoes that you put on each and every day are going to responsible for supporting more than your feet. They’re also going to play a big role in the health of your back, hips, and knees.
If you have uncomfortable shoes on almost all the time that don’t feel right on your feet despite how they might look, it’s going to cause you to walk differently than you would walk under normal circumstances. Your feet might roll too far in or out when you’re in motion.
When this happens, it can affect your back, hips, and knees more than you might realize. Over time, your knees can wear down on you and cause pain.
You should look for shoes that are as supportive as possible and wear them every day. If you have to, you should go to great lengths to get fitted for shoes that are tailor-made for your specific feet.
Seek Immediate Medical Attention for Any Knee Pain
Have you noticed a twinge in your knee whenever you stand up or sit down? It would be very easy for you to ignore it and go on about your business, but you shouldn’t do that.
You shouldn’t take knee injuries lightly, no matter what. Even if you’re only feeling a little pain in your knee, you should call your doctor and make an appointment with them.
A small knee injury can turn into a serious one in no time at all. Your doctor can run some tests and let you know what kind of treatment they would recommend to help your knee heal and get healthy again.
Figure Out How to Take Care of Your Knees and Start Doing It
You might not spend a whole lot of time thinking about the health of your knees. But they’re some of the most important joints in your entire body.
It’s why you should learn how to take care of your knees and then work towards keeping them in excellent condition. You’ll be able to get around just fine for many years to come when you make knee health a bigger concern.
Interested in finding out how to take care of other parts of your body? Browse through the articles on our blog to get other tips that will help improve your health.
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