Things to Know about Abortion Pill

Updated on January 17, 2022


Abortion is a legal method that allows women to end a pregnancy during the first trimester. Respecting the reasons why women decide to take this step, medicine has offered several ways to terminate a pregnancy. One of the innovative and non-invasive methods is a medical abortion, i.e., the abortion pill.

According to Charlotte abortion doctors, the largest number of patients who want early termination of pregnancy opt for this method. It is quite safe, easy, and affordable. With medical supervision and concern for the procedure to be done right, the pregnancy termination with pills doesn’t leave consequences for the health and reproductive function of the woman.

What to Do Before Taking the Pill

An examination before the abortion is mandatory, so you should see a specialist. Depending on your medical insurance, you can schedule an appointment at the hospital or private practice. Check their references, expertise, and previous patients’ experiences. Don’t consider buying an abortion pill from untrusted sources because it is illegal and unsafe. 

Medical supervision before, during, and after this procedure is a must. During the initial test, the doctor determines the age of the pregnancy, checks your blood group, RH factor, and history of previous diseases. Detailed analyzes will show if there is any danger for your health due to the termination of the pregnancy.

Talk to Your Doctor

Your doctor will likely want to do an ultrasound before the abortion to ensure the pregnancy age and safe termination. Yet, if that could disturb you, you can tell them not to tell you anything or show you the photos before the procedure. 

You could be honest about your reasons for this step. Medical ethics don’t allow doctors to put pressure on giving up your decision unless there are established medical risks. Of course, they should inform you about the potential dangers and consequences of this procedure. But if you opt for a medical abortion, the chances for side effects are minimal.

How Pill Works

Suppose you’re not sure of your pregnancy status. In that case, you’ll need to visit licensed healthcare providers to make sure that medical abortion is safe for you. They will prescribe you the abortion pills. The entire method consists of taking two drugs. The first pill, which patients usually take at the hospital, interrupts progesterone action and triggers miscarriage. 

The second part of this procedure involves taking a drug that expulses the gestational sac from the uterus. Depending on the pregnancy age and your health con, you can end it at the clinics or home. Suppose you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have some medical condition that needs monitoring. In that case, it’s better to undergo the entire procedure at the clinics under medical supervision.


This pill cause cramping and bleeding, but these should fade within a few days. You might also feel tired and sleepy. Some women might wonder whether their symptoms are normal or something goes wrong. If you are prone to panic, it’s better to perform the entire procedure in a clinic. That will give you peace of mind and spare you of stress.

During bleeding, you should use sanitary pads, not tampons. Also, you shouldn’t have sex or do demanding physical work. It’s best to rest and lie down, doing something that relaxes you, like reading books or watching movies. Of course, it is desirable to have someone close to you for help and support.

What After?


After a week or two, your doctor will schedule a follow-up appointment. They need to watch you closely to ensure the procedure is done successfully. The bleeding should stop until the check-up, but don’t be afraid if it lasts a little longer, especially if it’s not abundant. 

On this, your doctor will check that your body is healing properly. Still, there is no guarantee that the pill will be effective. If you did the procedure in a clinic and feel fine, there’s no need for a control check-up. Unless there are good reasons, you will not be subject to detailed examinations and tests.

But if you opt for abortion at home, your doctor should see if the pregnancy really ended. They need to do a physical exam and lab tests to check the pregnancy hormone. An ultrasound may also be necessary to see if the pills worked. If they spot signs of infection, the doctors should treat it with antibiotics.

After taking an abortion pill, most women don’t regret or feel the psychological consequences. Yet, this decision can trigger lots of questions and doubts. So don’t hesitate to seek the help of a psychologist in situations when you feel stressed or under pressure.

If everything works well, you should have your next period four to six weeks after the abortion. It may be more abundant or last longer than usual, which shouldn’t scare you. When the cycle goes back to normal (usually after two or three months), you can plan pregnancy. 

Pregnancy after Abortion

Regular visits to a gynecologist are important, as they can tell you for sure that everything is fine and when you can plan a pregnancy. Or, if you don’t, they will prescribe you a contraception method. They can even give you some mild painkillers to diminish any pain or discomfort related to the abortion.

According to detailed and extensive research, early termination of pregnancy is not associated with a higher risk of infertility in the future. There are many other reasons why a woman may experience infertility, but early termination is the least likely cause. Moreover, taking an abortion pill has a far lower risk of complications such as infections and damage to the uterine walls. 

Are There Any Risks?

The abortion pill can have side effects, although they are sporadic. Some women may experience vomiting, diarrhea, or even bacterial infections if they don’t follow the post-abortion procedure. Initial tests before undergoing this procedure are a must, as some women might be allergic to these drugs. 

There’s also a low risk of complications that lead to an in-clinic treatment in rare cases. For example, some blood clots might get stuck in the uterus, causing infection. There can also be some mental health disturbance. So it’s important to discuss these risks with your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

Is Pill for Anyone?

The pregnancy termination method of taking pills is not suitable for everyone. It’s recommended for pregnancies older than 12 weeks. Also, the doctor won’t prescribe them to patients with asthma, chronic liver and kidney disease, stomach ulcers, and mental problems. Special caution is needed in women who are already taking therapy or have a proven hypersensitivity to the drugs being given. 

Women who are at risk of complications should consult their healthcare provider before taking the pill. If they decide to end their pregnancy, doctors might suggest alternative methods, as explained on this page. These experts will assess the risks and provide detailed instructions on finding the safest procedure.

The abortion pill is the safest way to end a pregnancy. It’s not the fastest as the procedure usually takes a day or two. But it carries fewer risks than any other abortion method. Also, it doesn’t leave any physical marks, so there will be nothing to remind you of that.

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