The Top Ten Fears of Elderly Adults

Updated on October 2, 2014

Father-Daughter-WalkingMany of the fears that aging adults experience relate to the biggest challenge they say they face: staying active. According to a recent survey conducted for the Home Instead Senior Care network, seniors worry about the future, beginning with the loss of their independence.*

  1. Loss of independence.
  2. Declining health.
  3. Running out of money.
  4. Not being able to live at home.
  5. Death of a spouse or other family member.
  6. Inability to manage their own activities of daily living.
  7. Not being able to drive.
  8. Isolation or loneliness.
  9. Strangers caring for them.
  10. Fear of falling or hurting themselves.

“We regularly see seniors who are literally trapped in their homes because they are too weak to perform many of the activities they need to remain safe and independent, or to even enjoy life,” says Home Instead Senior Care Co-Founder and CEO Paul Hogan. “That’s why staying active is viewed by so many as vital to healthy aging.”

Explore these pages to learn more

Need ideas for activities and other tools? Download a PDF version of the Activities booklet (PDF 1.5 MB)

CAREGivers from Home Instead Senior Care can make a difference in the lives of older adults and their families by providing support with activities of daily living to help keep them independent for as long as possible.  For more information about Home Instead Senior Care visit or call 1-866-996-1087

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