Rehabilitation is a life-changing experience. Addiction can be a cruel beast, whether it be alcohol, drugs, gambling or anything else and checking into rehab and receiving treatment is the most proactive way to tackle that.
Coming out of rehabilitation you will feel like a new you, or maybe even your old self. But as any rehabilitation centre will tell you, that’s where the hard work really begins.
Re-entering society isn’t easy and slipping back into your old lifestyle is only going to increase the chance of relapse. That’s why it’s important to go out with the old and in with the new, particularly when it comes to filling time. Hobbies are of course the best way to fill that time, but what are the best hobbies to take up when it comes to leaving rehab?
It’s likely you will have undertaken yoga while in rehabilitation. It’s one of the most common practices in treatment these days to relieve stress, relax and control your mind. There are many great stretches that can aid with this, for both beginners and experts, and even if it’s spending 30 minutes per day going over the stretches you did in rehab, it can be a great way to keep you on track.
Exercise is always good when in recovery as the endorphins released from it can stimulate the brain and reduce the chances of experiencing cravings. On top of that, you’re getting fit too.
While many patients in recovery take up running, that doesn’t have to be what you do. Cycling, swimming and walking are all good options, while setting yourself a goal can also be a good chance to concentrate on something. For example, many people suffering with addiction go on to run marathons.
Become a volunteer
Many rehab centres suggest volunteering for those about to leave rehab. This is for a number of reasons. Firstly, it re-enters you into society without any real pressure, particularly when it comes to the working world. While you’ll also meet new friends, as well as staying busy.
There are so many things you can volunteer for these days and it’s a good opportunity for you to trial things out, test new hobbies and even new careers. Volunteer for something you think you love and it may turn into a whole new job for you.
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