Erectile dysfunction, also called impotence, is a condition that affects thousands of men worldwide, regardless of age. It is the inability to sustain an erection during intercourse that occurs as a result of obesity, hypertension, stress, anxiety, taking some prescription drugs, etc.
Many men wrongly think that the only ways of treating and preventing erectile dysfunction are taking medications and undergoing talk therapy. In reality, there are other proven solutions, including doing some specific exercises. Besides treating and lowering the risk of subsequent ED cases, activities like Kegels, Pilates and aerobics improve your overall wellbeing.
The Advantages of Exercising over Other ED Treatments
While medication only provides a temporary solution to your erectile dysfunction, treating the underlying causes often has lasting results. Additionally, drugs have potential side effects, a thing that is unheard of when you opt to exercise.
Types of Exercises that can Treat Impotence
Although erectile dysfunction can affect any man, it is more prevalent among older adults and those who lead sedentary lifestyles. This highlights the importance of exercising, as it improves blood flow.
If you have Impotence, it is advisable to change your eating habits and exercise more frequently. Here are some of the training routines that can fight the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.
Kegels Exercise
Kegels are a popular and effective method of fighting the effects of erectile dysfunction. These exercises target the muscles in your pelvic floor and produce positive results when done correctly.
In males, Kegels strengthen the bulbocavernosus muscle that relaxes to allow the penile tissue to receive blood during an erection, pump during ejaculation, and empty the urethra after urination. When done continually, you will be ableto sustain erections through sex.
The best thing about Kegels is that you can do them anywhere. You can exercise while sitting, standing, or lying down. Moreover, these routines help in dealing with other urinary tract complications, such as urinary incontinence.
How to Do It
Before anything, you need to locate the muscles at your lower pelvic region. The best way to do this is by pausing several times during urination. The muscles that clench during the pauses are the ones you need to target when exercising. Ensure that you do notclench the muscles in your buttocks, legs or stomach – if so, you will not notice any improvement on your ED.
After identifying the right muscles, squeeze them, hold for five seconds, and then relax. Repeat this at least ten times, two to three times daily. It is advisable to do the reps in different positions for maximum effectiveness. For instance, you could do it lying down in the morning, and train while standing before bedtime.
First-timers often find it challenging to complete ten sets of Kegels exercises. This should not discourage you; with time and commitment, you will improve and develop the ability to complete 20 sets without tiring.
Avoid holding your breath or pushing with your stomach when exercising. Ensure that you relax after squeezing your muscles for five seconds. To make the exercise more challenging, alternate between long and short squeezes.
Pilates Exercises
Pilates exercises can also help you fight the effects of Impotence. Some of the Pilates exercise you can try include:
Knee Fallouts
Besides being simple, knee fallouts are the perfect complement to Kegels. The process starts by lying down with bent knees and feet on the ground. While doing this, clench your lower pelvic muscles and lower one knee sideways towards the floor. Repeat this five times before turning to the other knee.
Supine Foot Raises
This exercise involves small movement and improves on knee fallouts. Start by bending your knees with feet flat on the floor and your arms on either side of your torso. Engage the pelvic floor muscles and slowly raise one foot while the pelvis and spine are still. Lower the extended foot and repeat the procedure with the other.
Pelvic Curls
Pelvic curls, also called bridges, is a popular Pilates exercise. You begin by lying on the floor, with your arms at the sides and feet on the ground. Then, squeeze your pelvic muscles and lift your buttocks to the air such that your shoulder supports the body. Tighten your buttocks and hold the position for five seconds before releasing slowly. Do this ten times for the best results.
Aerobic Exercises
Working other muscles can also help prevent ED. Since conditions that affect blood flow like diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension cause impotence, engaging in aerobic exercise can help fight ED and improve your overall wellbeing. Eventaking short 30-minute walks daily can improve your cardiovascular health and fend off Impotence.
What If Exercising is Ineffective?
Because everybody has a unique anatomy, these exercises might not work for some men. If this happens to you, you need to visit a urologist. These are trained experts who will examine your urinal tract for any issues that may be inhibiting the effectiveness of eating a proper diet, exercising, taking medications, and undergoing talk therapy. After this assessment, they will recommend the best treatment, which usually consists of combination therapy.
Why ED Should Not Ruin Your Relationship
Taking medications is one of the many methods used to treat erectile dysfunction. If you dread pills like Viagra, you can use a proven alternative that involves exercising your pelvic floor muscles, such as Kegels.
As mentioned earlier, you do not need any equipment to perform Kegels – you can do it anywhere. Add it to your smartphone schedule to ensure that you never miss a day.
Like Kegels, aerobic exercise is also simple and straightforward. It improves your cardiovascular health, enabling you to achieve and sustain an erection.
The best way to curb the effects of erectile dysfunction is by tackling the underlying causes. It might seem uncomfortable, but talking to your partner and doctor can help save your sexual life before the situation becomes embarrassing. If the reason is physical, the doctor will recommend the right treatment, while talking to your partner can help solve psychological issues.
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