It is safe to say that everyone needs dental treatments at various times of their lives – but not everyone gets the correct treatment for their dental needs. The key is to be informed so that you will know when it is time to undergo dental treatments.
Names of the Most Common Dental Treatments
Take a closer look at the most common dental treatments available around the world to understand why you should pay a visit to your preferred dentist soon. The list is divided into those that do not require pulling teeth and into those that require more invasive action.
Treatments That Do Not Require Pulling Teeth
- Dental Check-Up – This is the most common dental treatment known. You need to have a dental check-up so that the dentist can identify problems with your teeth. Usually, dentists recommend that their patients visit at least every six months.
- Scaling and Cleaning – You need to undergo scaling and cleaning during the dental check-up. This means the dentist will remove a build-up of food particles and tartar from your teeth, to preserve the health of your mouth. Without regular scaling and cleaning, you may develop gum disease. To help in cleaning, the dentist will probably use a rotating brush to which a soft paste is applied. By polishing your teeth with this, gum disease is either headed off or aided in healing.
- Dental Fillings – If you have developed a hole within a tooth, the common term for that is a cavity. Usually, a cavity results when you haven’t been taking care of your teeth or because you haven’t visited a dentist in quite a while. To correct this, the dentist will first clean the area where the cavity is. Then he will put in a dental filling within the cavity. The dentist will explain to you what kind of dental filling he will use and why he chose that one for you.
- Dental Fissure Sealants – Children often have this kind of dental treatment, because it helps to prevent fissures or grooves from becoming cavities. The dental fissure is first cleaned and then a plastic solution is painted on the fissure or groove. Usually, the solution is painted on the biting surface of the tooth, to prevent food particles and tartar from building up on that surface and creating cavities.
- Bonding – This dental treatment is used to correct the appearance of misshapen teeth or teeth that are stained, gapped or chipped. A resin is painted on the surface of the teeth so that the teeth look better. Over time, the resin may have to be removed or get worn out naturally. The dentist may then recommend another layer of resin to be applied.
- Veneers – Your dentist will recommend that you receive a veneer on your tooth to improve the appearance. This procedure is particularly recommended for front teeth. Either porcelain or resin will be glued to the front of your teeth permanently.
- Crowns – This might be better known as “onlays”. Your dentist may say that your molars or premolars need a crown. He is referring to a cap that covers the tooth partially. The crown is recommended when your tooth needs a cap of resin or porcelain to improve its appearance. Metals can also be used to cap the tooth. The kind of material used will depend on whether the cap is being used just to make your teeth more attractive, or whether it is being placed to protect the tooth as you chew. Don’t hesitate to care for your smile and get your crown fitted by the dentists at alhambra.

Invasive Dental Treatments
These treatments are referred to as invasive because these require drilling into the tooth or removal of your actual tooth. You can do your research about them through Dentaly.
1. Root Canal– A root canal becomes necessary if the center of the tooth is infected. This may occur if there is an untreated cavity in the tooth which allows bacteria within the mouth to enter the root canal system. Your tooth’s root canal system can also be affected when a previous filling has cracked and needs replacement.
Not surprisingly, this medical treatment is the most dreaded because it requires the removal of the infected part within the tooth. However, modern anesthesia helps reduce the pain so that you won’t be in agony during a root canal. After the center of your tooth is removed, the dentist will then apply a filling or seal the tooth with a crown to protect the affected tooth. You may then have to be on painkillers while your mouth recovers from the oral surgery.
2. Extraction of Wisdom Teeth – Your wisdom teeth, which are located at the 4 corners of the back of your mouth, sometimes have to be extracted. This could be because the teeth grew out only partially or at an angle. When left uncorrected, your bite might be askew, or there could be feelings of pain, because there is pressure on your other normal teeth. So the wisdom teeth need to be removed by the dentist.
3. Dental Implants – This type of oral surgery is necessary when there are missing teeth or when a tooth needs to be extracted first. Your dentist may recommend a dental implant if your bite may become askew since your mouth lacks teeth. A dental implant becomes important if your appearance is affected.
4. Tooth Extraction – This may be the most well-known of common dental treatments because it occurs in practically every country. A tooth will be extracted by your dentist only if there is no way to save the tooth or to prevent a bigger problem with your teeth. If all your teeth are extracted or fall out naturally, your doctor may advise you to have dentures (false teeth) made.
Final Thoughts
No matter what country you belong to, you will probably need the services of a dentist. The dentist may recommend non-invasive dental treatments or the more invasive kind. Whatever he recommends, it is important to bone up on your knowledge about that dental treatment so that you know what it is you are consenting to. A good dentist will explain the treatment to you so that you can ask questions first.
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