Health care has long been one of the most important and importantly studied fields. Looking back, it is easy to see the giant leaps in healthcare innovations that have happened over many decades. Things like the introduction of penicillin, vaccines, and even the discovery of DNA happened not all that long ago in the grand scheme of things.
But today, new innovations seem to be popping up consistently, whether they are already in action or just being thought of and developed. Things that were not possible ten years ago have become commonplace, and fortunately for us as humans, it seems as if the positive movement is just going to continue. These new innovations have not been changing the face of healthcare for very long, but the impact they are making is astronomical.
Active Technology
Active technology in a medical environment means things like live updates of falls or bodily functions, and this type of technology in the medical field has made huge advances in the past few years. Products such as LifeLine can give health care providers an instant, live picture of what is going on with their patient, providing vitals in some cases or immediate alerts of falls or possible bodily damage in others.
In home health care, this type of technology could allow for health care providers to set reminders for their patients to take their medications, for example. Active technology can also allow patients the ability to interact with their doctors without even having to leave their home, cutting down costs of travel and office visits that may be unnecessary.
Treatment for a Rare and Deadly Disease
On a smaller scale, 2021 provided the release of a promising treatment for Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome. This disease is caused by a genetic mutation and presents in children all over the world, with most not living past fifteen years old. This breakthrough treatment can prolong life expectancy as well as reducing the amount of symptoms caused by the disease.
A Step to the Cure for Ebola
Ebola has long been a scary name for everyone, but particularly people in third-world countries where the virus may run rampant and cause a high death rate. The creation of monoclonal antibodies has yielded a drug for treating ebola that, while not a cure, raises the survival rate by 20% in clinical trials. While this may not seem like much, what was previously known as a deadly disease may soon be on the short list of diseases that can be prevented or cured.
Affordable Insulin
The insulin issue has been in the headlines a lot over the past decade or so, with this lifesaving necessity being more expensive than many people with diabetes can afford. Semglee is a biosimilar product, which means it functions exactly the same as insulin and is medically identical. While it has not been approved yet, this product has the potential to lower costs for millions of people and make dealing with diabetes less stressful.
Cell Therapy
Cell therapy is nothing new and has been helping patients with diseases such as leukemia for decades. However, this therapy has always included its share of problems, such as finding matching donors for cells and issues such as tissue rejection. Continuing cell therapy has made strides in working with a patient’s own cells, cloning and modifying to use their own power for fighting disease instead of relying on the power of a donor. There are studies being done on diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s that may lead to a future of less degenerative memory diseases and a better quality of life for the elderly population, as well as studies working towards cures with stem cells for various types of cancer.
While health care may not be something that is necessarily always on everyone’s mind, everyone needs it at some point, and these advances are providing the opportunity for humans everywhere to live longer, healthier, and fuller lives. While many of these technologies have not been fully approved yet, this is simply a glimpse into what the future of medicine may hold, and how it advances every second. The future of medicine is now, and we can stay ahead of that train with the amazing research that is being conducted.
Throughout the year, our writers feature fresh, in-depth, and relevant information for our audience of 40,000+ healthcare leaders and professionals. As a healthcare business publication, we cover and cherish our relationship with the entire health care industry including administrators, nurses, physicians, physical therapists, pharmacists, and more. We cover a broad spectrum from hospitals to medical offices to outpatient services to eye surgery centers to university settings. We focus on rehabilitation, nursing homes, home care, hospice as well as men’s health, women’s heath, and pediatrics.