The Facts Regarding Dying Teeth And What You Should Do With Them

Updated on May 18, 2021

Approximately 16% of Australians have a fear of the dentist. This prevents them from having regular checkups and can lead to a variety of unnecessary complications such as tooth loss and gum disease. 

A regular oral health routine, including brushing twice a day and flossing at least once, can help to reduce issues. But, it is imperative that you find a sensitive dentist, such as this dentist Neutral Bay, who can give you excellent care while acknowledging your fear.

What Are Dying Teeth?

Your teeth are part of your body and are, therefore alive. That means they can die. However, for a tooth to die it would need to disintegrate, which is fairly unlikely considering how strong enamel is.

In fact, when we talk about tooth death we are generally talking about the root of the tooth. This is the inner part and where the nerves are situated. 

A cavity allows bacteria to get into the root, infecting it. This causes pain and makes you believe the tooth has gone bad. Most people will assume there is only one option: extraction.

It is certainly true that if you do nothing the infection will spread into the surrounding tissue and bone. You’ll develop an abscess and it can even cause bone issues. 

However, at this stage it s still possible, and preferable, to save the tooth.

How Dying teeth Are Saved

The answer is root canal. In the past this was a painful solution that most people avoided. However, today there is no pain in root canal, although perhaps a little discomfort afterward. 

Root canal involves drilling a tiny hole into the tooth, or making the existing cavity slightly bigger. The dentist can then clean the inside of the tooth. This will remove the pulp from the centre, including the dead nerves that have caused you so much pain.

The dentist will then place a small filling or bung at the top of the tooth to prevent anything getting inside the tooth. You will be given a course of antibiotics to ensure the infection is gone before you go back to the dentist.

They will then fill the tooth properly and add a crown if necessary. Need a recommendation? Don’t hesitate to get fillings with the Dentist in Orlando FL.

It is rare for the entire tooth to need removing. But if this happens or there is insufficient tooth to fasten the crown too, the dentist will cement a post into your jaw, allowing them to fasten a new tooth to it. 

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that your tooth can be saved and the earlier you visit the dentist the easier it is to do. A modern dentist will repair the tooth and effectively bring it back to life, allowing it to have a second chance at lasting a lifetime.

Of course, your saved tooth still needs the same level of care as any of your other teeth. You also need to book regular dental appointments to ensure problems are picked up early in future. It’s easier to deal with and better for your wallet.

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