Have you ever wondered about life in Emergency Medical Services? What kind of training does it take? Is it as exciting as it looks on television or in the movies?
As part of the National Emergency Medical Services Week, (May 20-26) the EMS Institute is sponsoring “EMS Career Expos” where current EMS providers can learn more about career development opportunities as well as, the general public can learn more about careers or volunteer work as First Responders, Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics and Pre-hospital Nurses.
Various EMS agencies from the 10-county region will be on hand to provide information on necessary training, work requirements and opportunities as well as work benefits. Additionally, training agencies will be on hand for anyone to discuss any furthering their training or interested in initial training.
Monday, May 21, 2012, 1pm—7pm
Doubletree Hotel Monroeville
Includes 3pm Laerdal ALS Sim Baby Class
Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 1pm-7pm
Hilton Garden Inn – Southpointe
Includes 3pm Scene Safety With Active Shooter Class
As noted above, an educational program will be held at 3pm at each location. The event in Monroeville will feature a “Sim Baby” class were attendees will be able to interact live with robotic simulated baby patient.
The Hilton Garden event will feature safety protocols when EMS providers are responding, and working in, a scenario with an active shooter.
General public and EMS professionals are encouraged to attend. Anyone interested in attending should call The EMS Institute, 412-242-7322.
Emergency Medical Service Institute (EMSI) is a nonprofit (501.C.3) corporation which provides technical and financial assistance to the development of a coordinated emergency medical services system primarily throughout the 10-county region of southwestern Pennsylvania. Within its region, EMSI is responsible for:
- Licensure of Ambulances
- Training and Credentialing of EMS Personnel
- Accreditation of Medical Command Hospitals and other Medical Command Facilities
- Accreditation of Training Institutes
- Quality Assurance within the EMS Community
- Public Information and Education
- Data Collection regarding EMS activities
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