There is an overall realization that mindfulness offers multiple health benefits. It is an ability to be present at the moment without being judgmental about anything. A mindful person tends to be less emotionally vulnerable and have lower stress and higher concentration levels. But which personality trait shares a close affinity with mindfulness? Some studies connect mindfulness with different characteristics, such as leisure, ambition, carefulness, adaptation, and excitability. To understand their correlation, let’s explore each attribute and its relevance with mindfulness.
Jonah Engler: Signs of a mindful person
The trait of adjustment
A person who remains calm and attentive in a stressful situation without producing any reactions can be mindful. They tend to have an ability to stay unaffected or respond in a stressful moment with awareness. They don’t judge based on internal emotions; Even if they have to, they give controlled reactions.
The trait of excitability
Volatility, emotional immaturity, inconsistency, and mood swings are the reflections of an excitable personality. You can find them to be explosive and over-reactive even during trivial matters. These people are usually less mindful than non-excitable ones as they suffer from emotional instability and lack of presence of mind.
The trait of leisure
These personalities often show indifference towards the wants and needs of the other people. They appear to be independent, while they can be aggressive and resentful from inside. According to Jonah Engler and some studies, leisurely personalities often tend to be less mindful. When you practice mindfulness, you and other people become the focus. You don’t exhibit emotional or adverse reactions. Also, you would not hold any grudge against anyone secretly. A leisurely individual is most likely to think negatively about others, which goes against the act of mindfulness.
The trait of caution
Cautious people don’t like change or risks. They suffer from the fear of failure, and that’s why they don’t want to reveal their weaknesses. Hence, these individuals also cannot be too mindful. The reason for this is their fear. Being overly cautious can be a hindrance for them to have mindfulness. Because they operate from anxiety, they fail to create an impact or adjust to a different mindset. They also tend to be less flexible, which doesn’t go with a mindful person’s traits.
The trait of ambition
An ambitious person would be confident, competitive, and full of energy. They would have leadership qualities. While you may wonder how they can be mindful, studies suggest that ambitious personalities tend to be focused and aware of their goals. Since one has to be mentally attentive to be ambitious, they can closely associate with mindfulness.
If you believe experts, some people can be naturally mindful while others have to work on it. If you are ambitious, non-reactive, and fearless in a balanced way, you can achieve it successfully. However, it doesn’t mean you cannot attain this without these traits. Continuous practice and persistence can help you achieve mindfulness. So, if you feel you are less mindful, you don’t have to feel disappointed. You can imbibe it in your daily life over time.
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