Marijuana has been used for medicinal purposes since it was discovered, and many US states have opted to legalize its use for recreational purposes. To utilize medicinal marijuana, you need a medical card in order to pick it up from a dispensary. Here are some of the ways that marijuana can treat medical disorders.
1. Prevent Alzheimer’s – It has been found that THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, can slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. It does this by slowing the formation of amyloid plaques by blocking the enzyme in the brain that produces them. Amyloid plaques kill brain cells and potentially lead to Alzheimer’s.
2. Treat Glaucoma – Glaucoma is caused by increasing the pressure in the eyeball and injuring the optic nerve causing loss of vision. The National Eye Institute claims that marijuana lowers the pressure inside the eye thus potentially saving people’s vision.
3. Relieve Arthritis – Research shows that marijuana reduces pain and inflammation and promotes sleep. This combination means it can act as a great relief for those with rheumatoid arthritis.
4. Ease the pain of multiple sclerosis – Cannabis works to stop the negative neurological effects and the muscles spasms that are caused by multiple sclerosis.
5. Soothe tremors for those with Parkinson’s disease – Recent studies have shown that marijuana remarkably reduces pain and tremors for patients with Parkinson’s disease. It has also been shown to improve their sleep and even improve their fine motor skills.
6. Lessen side effects from treating Hepatitis C and increase the effectiveness of their treatment – The treatments for Hepatitis C infection have severe side effects and thus many people are unable to continue their treatment. Side effects can include fatigue, muscle pain, nausea, depression, and loss of appetite. A European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology study found that patients using marijuana were far more likely to successfully finish their therapies. It also showed an increase in the effectiveness of the treatment, keeping their viral levels low.
7. Decrease anxiety – It is a largely accepted fact that smoking cannabis helps the symptoms of anxiety by improving their mood and acting as a sedative in low doses. However, in higher doses, it can actually increase anxiety and make the user paranoid.
8. Reduce the pain and nausea from chemotherapy and stimulate appetite – One of the most common uses of medicinal marijuana is to help those going through chemotherapy. Chemo can have some major side effects that can in turn lead to further health complications. Marijuana helps reduce pain, decrease nausea and stir up the appetite making chemotherapy more bearable and reducing the chance of any further complications
9. Improve symptoms of Lupus and other autoimmune disorders – Medical marijuana is used to treat Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, an autoimmune disorder where the body starts to attack itself. It is believed that cannabis works by calming the immune system thus eases the symptoms of Lupus as well as reducing pain and nausea.
10. Help people suffering from PTSD – Marijuana has been approved to treat PTSD in some states and in New Mexico it is the number one reason people get a license for medical marijuana.
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