TeleTracking Technologies has released Patient Flow Dashboard™, powered by TeleTracking XT™, which was designed to help hospital leadership monitor the real-time status of enterprise-wide flow operations and increase revenue from existing capacity.
The new application is an important element of TeleTracking’s newly formed Business Analytics Division, which was created in response to health care reform challenges to give hospitals a finely honed, better-informed approach to managing their operations.
The Patient Flow Dashboard™ was developed in partnership with TeleTracking clients including Methodist Healthcare System in San Antonio, TX, which has deployed dashboards in staff gathering areas throughout the eight-hospital system, providing ever-present performance transparency and accountability.
“The patient management dashboards make TeleTracking’s reporting capabilities even more powerful,” said Susan Kilgore, Methodist’s Vice President/Patient Management, “because they make information about operational performance available right now to anyone who needs to know.
“The ability to see the entire enterprise from 30,000 feet in real time is certainly one of the reasons our overall operational performance has reached a new high over the past year.”
The dashboards, available to TeleTracking clients on the TeleTracking XT platform, continuously provide up-to-date information on primary services in critical departments throughout the hospital facility.
Using gauges, meters and other easy–to-read graphics, Patient Flow Dashboard™ displays performance goals against actual minute-by-minute performance indicators, allowing managers to spot emerging problems and intervene to prevent those problems from growing. It also allows executives and patient placement specialists to instantly know where there is available capacity in the system and in which units. In addition, physicians and other caregivers can know how many patients must be discharged in order for them to admit new patients so they can be proactive in the flow process.
Better capacity management is emerging as a key financial strategy for healthcare executives looking to blunt the impact of reform laws. TeleTracking has long been recognized as the leading provider of actionable data for improving patient flow. The Business Analytics Division extends that capability to help hospital leadership take the physical pulse of their institutions’ operations whenever they like and act to correct problems immediately.
“Our clients have always relied on us to provide critical historical data for process improvement,” said Jason Baim, Vice President and Managing Director of the Business Analytics Division. “This application now provides executives with the ability to gain immediate insight into hospital operations, and take quick action based on timely data. And there has never been a greater need for this ability, given the challenges we are facing in healthcare.”
High-performing health systems across the nation are deploying dashboards to promote quality improvement and accountability, according to a recent report by the Health Research and Educational Trust.
About TeleTracking
For over two decades, TeleTracking Technologies, the world leader in automated patient flow, has applied proven principles of logistics management to hospitals and health systems to enhance patient care, improve financial performance and gain competitive advantage. Its industry-leading software and consulting services create an enterprise-wide platform, or “operational backbone,” that connects patient flow to patient care for better outcomes. TeleTracking solutions reduce overcrowding, cut costs, generate revenue, fight the spread of infection, manage assets, accelerate patient transfers and provide a wealth of data for continual operational improvement and business development. It provides process planning and patient flow redesign through its consulting division, Avanti Patient Flow Services, and real-time asset and patient tracking through RadarFind, a wholly-owned subsidiary. As the leading source for innovative patient logistics management, TeleTracking and its 850 clients have formed an alliance of shared knowledge and mutual trust which is dedicated to the ongoing improvement of patient care.
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