Getting good sleep is critical for your overall well-being and health. But hip pain can detriment its quality as you may toss and turn in your bed continuously due to discomfort or excessive ache. The reason behind painful hips can be several, such as any medical condition, overexertion, or even your bed, etc. It’s necessary that you don’t neglect it for a long time as there can be some underlying health concern. At the same time, you can tweak your lifestyle habits and choices to get relief from it. You can begin by investing in a mattress that doesn’t create pressure on your hips by supporting your body weight in the most desired manner and makes you sleep well.
In this mattress buyer’s guide for hip pain, you can learn about the different options.
Types of mattresses for hip pain
Memory foam
Ideally, it is one of the best choices for those who have pain in their hips. This bed can contour your body perfectly and spread your body weight evenly across the pressure points. The cell structures solidify when pressure is applied to them and transfer it to the layer beneath them so that you can sleep without feeling any or much pain in the hip area.
Latex beds can be of different types, such as natural latex, fully synthetic, or a combination of two. They also come in softer to firmer editions. Side sleepers who suffer from hip pain can find it a popular choice as a latex bed can release pressure from hip region at the time of sleep and aid in blood circulation.
Natural latex beds contain sap of rubber trees that creates denser foam. It can conform to your body quickly, making you feel more comfortable. Overall, latex mattresses come with the right amount of air flow and spring to ensure both cooling and comfort for a sleeper.
Made with pocket springs with the layers of latex or memory foam, the hybrid beds can distribute the pressure created by body movement in such a fashion so that the other person can sleep without any disturbance. In the core of the bed, you will find a standard coil system which resembles innerspring mattresses in construction. On the top part of the coil rests the layer of latex or memory foam material. It performs reasonably well when it comes to relieving hip pain. But the problem is it does not make an excellent choice for people with light body weight.
These types of beds come with various air filters that help adjust their firmness. Having more cavities can be a beneficial characteristic as these allow flexibility in customization. Because of the availability of this feature, airbeds become a preferable model for all kinds of sleepers, including side, back, and stomach. Nevertheless, one problem with these mattresses is their unpredictable behavior led by external factors, such as air pressure, temperature, etc.
So, if you are using an old bed which is not alleviating your hip pain and at the same time affecting your sleep quality, then consider replacing it with new. No matter what you choose from the options above, make sure to look for sleep trials and warranty coverage of the product at the time of purchase.
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