Starting out Strong: 5 Tips For New Weightlifters

Updated on March 18, 2022

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Weight lifting is a competitive sport that tests the strength of a person. Training for this activity will need numerous preparations and determination because one wrong move can cause you irreversible injuries than gain muscles. However, if done right, weight lifting can be beneficial in more ways than one. 

If you are a newbie in weight lifting and seek advice, you should read ahead and remember the following tips.

Do Not Skip Warm-Ups

Warm-ups are necessary activities you should never skip before doing the actual weight lifting activity. It helps prepare your body by gradually pumping up your cardiovascular system raising your temperature and blood flow. 

If you suddenly start a strenuous workout without warming up, the stress levels increase on your heart and lungs. These organs will try to catch up with your training demands by increasing heart rate and breathing, which can be dangerous to them. Ultimately, you will also be prone to injuries instead.

You can try skipping rope or jumping jacks for a few minutes, or you can choose to create a proper warm-up routine that warm-ups your neck, shoulder, wrists, hips, and legs. You can decide with either and determine what would work best for you. 

Invest With The Right Equipment

When you are just starting, keep in mind that you will never stay in the same weight training plan. So, it will eventually change as you continue to improve. For now, it would be best to invest in equipment that slowly fits your routine. 

For starters, you should look into barbells, dumbbells, and kettlebells. These equipment are inexpensive, and you can store them easily too. They are also versatile, and you can use them even if you take a break from your usual weightlifting routine and do other exercises.

Moreover, as you gradually increase your lifts, it would help if you invest in an SBD lifting belt. This weightlifting belt will help keep your spine in a proper position and reduce stress on your lower back as you lift heavier equipment. It will also prevent back hyperextension that can cause muscle spasms and severe swelling.

Practice The Proper Form

As you prepare for weight lifting, perfecting your form should be on the top of your list. Lifting with the proper form can help you do your lifts more efficiently because you can use your energy for the extra push. In a way, your form can also be your weightlifting technique.

In this case, you will need the assistance of a professional personal trainer. A trainer will help you in mastering a weight lifting form that is fitting for you. They will first teach you the basic movements to start and give you real-time corrections and assistance as you progress. 

One significant benefit of having a personal trainer is that you will be in close supervision as a newbie so you are safer from injuries. You could also politely request a friend or a gym-goer to “spot” for you when lifting. Spotting is an activity wherein another person supports a lifter for safety and performance.

Start Slow And Control The Weight

In weight lifting, if you suddenly start different routines as you continue your training, you might not notice any changes in your body. Sticking to your daily routine is the secret to gradual improvement. Then, it will help if you slowly make minor, consistent changes and gain your way to develop positive habits.

Pushing yourself too far and too fast can strain your body and would instead cause injuries and stress to your body. So, it would be best if you start at a slow, controlled, and steady pace. 

You can also apply this slow and steady tip for your regular workouts. For instance, you can start your training in two days, two to three weeks. Then, you add a third day for the following week. Although it would be advisable to train yourself three to five days a week, you can instead work your way up and be surprised how much you have improved.

Listen To Your Body

Most importantly, you must listen to what your body is telling you. It would help if you faced the fact that weight lifting is dangerous and can be extra tiring every time you train for it. 

Meanwhile, your body will tell you if it has had enough. It will usually give you signals when working out and will tell you if you need a rest or if you can continue for a few more routines. When your body tells you to have a day off or if you need to cool down now, it will do you more good to heed.

Ignoring these signals can result in more soreness and injuries. So instead of resisting, take a day off when it tells you to and recover.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, weightlifting is not for the half-hearted ones. Although the concept of carrying heavy things is admirable, not everyone is dedicated enough to push through and commit themselves to a routine to success. So if you are strong-willed and are ready to take up the challenge, remember these five tips, and you will be able to do well and persevere.

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