Sleeping Your Way to Better Health: How to Sleep Soundly Every Night

Updated on May 21, 2021

Do you feel like you’re not getting enough sleep at night? Do you see yourself turning and twisting every night regardless of how tired you were during the day? Is it hard for you to fall asleep every night, no matter how hard you try? If so, check out this guide to learn how to sleep soundly every night.

More than a third of the global population experiences insomnia. 

Are you part of the statistic? When you have trouble falling asleep, it can seem like there’s nothing you can do.

However, that’s far from the truth.

A single irritant can result in symptoms of insomnia. That afternoon cup of coffee could be the difference between eight hours of sleep and a four-hour nap. Thankfully, this means that small lifestyle changes can lead to some big results.

And who wouldn’t want more restful sleep? We’ve all experienced a workday after a terrible night’s rest. It can feel like you’re running on empty.

A full night’s sleep could be just around the corner. The information you can gather from this article can become your ticket to sleep soundly every night, and, eventually, improve your overall health and wellness. This guide will cover six easy ways to sleep soundly.

1. Choose Healthy Foods and Drinks

Whether tea or coffee, many people enjoy a source of invigorating caffeine to help them through their day. Some are even very dependent on these drinks to the point where they can no longer start their days or become productive without drinking any of these. Some people might even consume more than one cup of coffee or tea every single day, thinking that more caffeine can result in improved productivity and better cognitive abilities. This notion might be true to some extent, but excessive amounts of caffeine in the body can also be very harmful to your sleep cycle. What they might not know is caffeine remains in your system for more than five hours. If you want to go to sleep at a reasonable time, avoid sources of caffeine in the afternoon and evening.

Caffeine isn’t the only problem child. Alcohol can diminish the quality of your sleep and interrupt your sleep cycle. Limit your alcohol intake or avoid it outright when you’re suffering from chronic sleeping problems.

Eating too close to your bedtime can also make it harder to sleep. If you aren’t kept awake by the sensation of a full stomach, the sugar rush from carbohydrates can give you a second wind.

Avoid carb-heavy meals and try not to eat a meal once you’re a few hours from going to bed.

2. Exercise Every Day

It’s no secret that exercise is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. It’ll be challenging for you to achieve your fitness goals or keep your weight in check if you do not exercise every day. Regardless of how you pay attention to your diet, if your efforts are not coupled with an active lifestyle, do not expect that you can see visible results. But aside from your physical health, are you aware that exercise can also affect your ability to fall and stay asleep? As an understated health benefit, exercise can also help you fall asleep and have a more restful sleep.

The proof is in the pudding. People who do not exercise are sleepier during the day, experience lower quality sleep, and are twice as likely to experience sleep apnea.

If you snore or wake up feeling exhausted every day, even with good sleeping habits, then you may have sleep apnea. Thankfully, sleep apnoea treatments are available.

3. Manage Stress

Stress and anxiety can lead to insomnia and reduced sleep quality. Is your mind racing at night, making it difficult to fall asleep? That’s a good sign your stress is the root cause of your sleep distress.

By reducing your stress to a tolerable level, you’ll find it easier to have a good night’s sleep. Stress management techniques vary in efficacy from person to person.

From meditation, to exercise, to over-the-counter anxiety medication, you have options available. You might also consider reflecting on the causes of your anxiety. Remove stressors in your life when possible.

For example, are you overwhelmed by your evening commute? Look for alternatives such as taking a carpool or public transportation.

4. Add Comfort to Your Bedroom

Comfort is key for falling asleep and staying asleep. If your bed is old or doesn’t suit your personal needs, it can feel like sleeping on a rock.

And that’s not easy.

Although the quality of your bed is important, it’s one small part of the whole. Improper pillows or blankets can impact your ability to sleep. This is especially true when you find yourself sweating throughout the night.

Change any bedroom items that aren’t doing the job especially your mattress, have a look at these reviews. And if the temperature is at fault, aim a standing fan at your mattress or lower the thermostat.

Is noise a problem? When you can’t remove the source, you may want to rely on earplugs or white noise to cancel it out.

Lastly, be aware of light pollution. Many modern devices give off light whether they’re turned on or off. Turn them away or shroud them so your room is as dark as possible. Blue light is known to hinder our sleep. But the red light therapy works perfectly for those who want to experience better rest at night.

5. Stick to a Sleep Schedule

You’ve probably heard of a circadian rhythm before. It’s the biological cycle that encourages your body to wake up and fall asleep at specific times. This is why some people are able to maintain a sleep schedule even without the help of an alarm clock.

To sleep easy and rest well, it’s vital to maintain a regular sleep schedule. This aligns your biological cycle over time, which means your body will get tired in preparation for your usual bedtime.

You should take care not to vary your schedule even on the weekend. Otherwise, you might have trouble falling asleep at 10 p.m. if you passed out at 4 a.m. the night before.

6. Sleep Soundly With a Sleep Aid

Are you still struggling to sleep well even with great sleeping practices? OTC sleep aids are available when you need an extra boost. Most sleeping medication comes in the form of a melatonin supplement.

If you want to turn your bedroom into a private sanctuary that will make it very easy for you to sleep at night, use a melatonin spray. Although uncommon to some, melatonin is actually one of the most vital hormones in the human body that can induce sleep. And while your body naturally produces melatonin, unhealthy lifestyle choices and stress can likely deplete these, making it challenging for you to sleep. 

By using products that contain melatonin, your body can address melatonin deficiency and help you doze off faster. These products are great investments, especially if you live a very hectic and stressful lifestyle. 

So, what is melatonin? It’s a hormone that regulates your circadian rhythm and helps you fall asleep.

Only take as much as you need, and don’t use OTC sleep aids when you’ll be sleeping for a short time. Since you’ll remain drowsy when you wake up, it can make it dangerous to drive a vehicle or operate heavy machinery. Do consult your doctor before taking if you plan on using this as a sleep aid. Other than those mentioned, there are many best natural sleep supplements that will help you to sleep like a baby at night as well.

Are You Ready for Bed?

Sleep provides an essential fuel to get you through your day. Without it, you may lack both the physical and mental capacity you need. This can lead to trouble at work, in relationships, or worse.

Although sleep can be a fleeting thing, anyone can learn to sleep soundly. Be conscientious of your daily routine and things you may do to reduce your sleep quality.

The next time you struggle falling asleep, try to uncover the cause. It could be as simple as a stuffy blanket. If you’re still struggling to sleep, you may want to talk to your doctor about the possibility of sleep apnea or another sleep disorder.

Check out the ‘Patient Care’ section of our blog for more tips and tricks for improving your health!

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