Sleep deprivation is a big problem in America and one that seems to be getting worse. It’s estimated that sleep disorders are affecting as much as 70 million Americans and that 70% of adults report having sleeping difficulties at least once per month. There are cases when sleep issues can be fixed by changing our life habits, but in other cases, medication and supplementation are the only options. If you were trying to find solutions to sleeplessness but didn’t want to get a prescription, here are a few things that you can try.
Melatonin is one of the most proven supplements for sleep and is often recommended instead of medication to patients coming in with insomnia issues. Melatonin is a hormone that should be secreted naturally by the body, but many people don’t produce enough to get a good night’s sleep. A lot of it may have to do with the fact that sun exposure plays a direct role in the production of melatonin, and many people in America do not get enough sunlight during the year.
Melatonin could be particularly helpful when the sleeping cycle becomes disrupted. This could be a great supplement for people who work nights, for instance, as it has been to improve daytime sleep quality. This is also a great supplement to have in your luggage if you travel a lot since it has been shown to help counteract some of the effects of jet lag.
If you’re an athlete and need help with sleep and recovery, then you need to add magnesium to your diet. Magnesium can help relax muscles and replenish them as it’s one of the electrolytes they use to produce energy. Magnesium has also been shown to help quiet the mind and induce sleep.
You can find magnesium in multiple forms, but one of the best ways to take it is as a soluble powder. This way, you can make a good bed time drink that will have you sleeping like a baby and waking up refreshed.
Passionflower is another common herbal remedy that is recommended for sleep disorders, but the benefits have not been as proven as with the other two. There has been some research that has shown that passionflower could have a positive effect on sleep, but it seemed to vary greatly depending on which form it was taken in.
In one study where people had to take passionflower tea vs a placebo made from parsley leaves, participants who took passionflower did not show any measurable signs of better sleep. However, when asked to rate the quality of their sleep, more of them reported a higher satisfaction rate.
In another study, participants were also asked to take passionflower, but in an exact form. This time, those who took passionflower showed measurable differences in the duration and quality of the sleep vs the placebo group. So, if you want to try passionflower as a sleep aid, you might have better chances if you go for a high-quality extract.
Glycine is a little-known amino acid that plays an important role in the nervous system. Scientists don’t know 100% why it helps with sleep, but one of the theories is that it’s because of its body heat regulating properties. Glycine has been shown to lower the body’s temperature, which can help signal the body that it’s time to get to sleep. Multiple studies have shown the efficiency of glycine as a sleep aid and it can improve daytime performance as well.
If you were looking for great supplements to get a deeper, longer, and more restorative sleep, consider these options. These are all easily available and could have interesting effects.
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