Sleep Easy: 3 Quick Exercises to Stop Snoring

Updated on March 18, 2020

Are you ruining your sleep (and your partner’s sleep) because of your snoring?

If so, you’re not alone. Snoring actually affects 90 million American adults. And, unfortunately, snoring isn’t just bad because it causes sleep disruptions. Snoring is also linked to obesity, heart disease, and daytime dysfunction. Luckily, there are some exercises you can do that can help stop your snoring and if that doesn’t work, you can stop snoring here.

Check out this guide to learn about the top exercises to stop snoring. 

1. Simple Mouth Exercises

If you want to stop snoring, there are some simple mouth exercises that you can do from the comfort of your own bed that require almost no effort at all. 

Here are the main exercises to try:

  • Tongue Curling: With your mouth open, slide the tip of your tongue backwards along your hard palate, as far as it will go. Repeat this 20 times 
  • Roof of Mouth: Open your mouth and press your flat tongue against the roof of your mouth as you suck upwards. Hold this for two seconds and repeat 20 times
  • Floor of Mouth: Push the back of your tongue against the floor of your mouth while keeping the tip of your tongue in contact with your lower front teeth. Leave your mouth open as you do this and repeat 20 times for a few seconds each time 
  • Cheek Exercise: Place your index finger inside your mouth and pull your cheek out. Use your cheek muscles to pull your finger back to the center of your mouth
  • Elevation: Make an “ahhh” sound to elevate the back of your throat. Once you improve at this exercise, you should be able to raise your uvula (the dangly thing at the back of your throat) without making any noise

2. Singing

Singing can also help with your snoring issues. However, when we say singing, we’re not talking about the typical singing you do in the shower along to radio music. 

A recent study found that singing song vowel sounds while making exaggerated (sort of similar to yodeling) mouth movements can help with snoring.

The study had a group of people sing for twenty minutes per day for three months. They compared the participants’ recordings before and after the study, and in the end, the saw a huge improvement in their snoring levels. 

In another study, patients with moderate levels of sleep apnea were assigned to didgeridoo (a type of musical instrument) lessons. 

After four months, they found that the patients’ sleep apnea episodes had reduced, and even their partners reported feeling less disturbed in their sleep. 

3. Working Out 

Last but not least, actual physical exercise can help with your snoring issues. 

If you’re overweight and susceptible to snoring, even just losing a few pounds can make a big difference. 

This is because exercise can strengthen and tone your muscles, even those in the neck that are responsible for snoring. 

You may also want to consider going to an ENT doctor to talk about your snoring issues. 

Exercises to Stop Snoring: Are You Ready to Stop? 

For those who struggle with snoring when you are in bed every night, using right mattress can help in reducing snoring. Whether you snore every night, or not, most people will experience their own bout of snoring at some time, from a stuffed nose or perhaps a deep sleep. With this in mind, it is worth noting that all should seek out the best mattress for snoring.

By following these exercises to stop snoring, your snoring should subside in no time. 

If you liked this article, be sure to check back in with our blog to discover more tips and tricks to get a better night’s sleep. 

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