Quarantine, isolation or social distancing. Three different ways of saying stop, keep your distance and avoid physical contact. In almost all countries these are now familiar terms for preventing contagion and literally containing the Coronavirus. It means separation and mobility restrictions for people potentially exposed to this highly infectious virus.
While all restrictions lead to the isolation caused by the pandemic situation, there is much talk of increased libido and the benefits of using sex as therapy to curb anxiety problems in times where touching, caressing and kissing are discouraged.
In times of a pandemic, it is even more necessary to take care of health, as it is always the priority. Sex is a good thing and part of many people’s lives. Having sex is usually considered a healthy activity, and even more so with call girls and escorts in Australia. Therefore, the same emphasis should be given to both psychological and physical health, so you can get through the days of isolation without losing your mind and good attitudes.
Skokka understands and describes the importance of sex as a therapy in times of confinement, exactly to be able to release tensions and stop anxiety that may arise in some critical moments of social distancing or isolation.
The challenge of staying healthy in times of a pandemic
For many, managing anxiety is a constant challenge because of all the routine insecurities. In times when there is no escape to meet friends, loved ones or to have a long-awaited date with someone considered special, it is even more difficult to control these spikes that can arise.
There is a whirlwind of feelings in a single day. Men and women exhibit high levels of mood swings from one second to the next. The challenge now is to understand how each person functions within themselves. It is to know how to pay attention to the need that arises at the exact moment so that there are no more frustrations.
And there is no more effective way than to adapt to reality by using sex as an alternative to relieve those tensions that are now so prominent.
More than personal contact, the lack of time combined with the ease of use of apps and advancement of technology are the perfect mix for more sex. This reality makes even more sense when the obligations to contain contagion are the main goals to be met.
Sex and masturbation as alternatives to curb anxiety
It is time to reinvent the routine. Time to seek a healthy mind, without losing the grace of knowing each other, or rather, of knowing oneself. Sexual activity, even without physical contact, with the use of virtual tools as an alternative, helps to combat stress and anxiety caused by confinement. In other words, sex and masturbation can be a great help to increase the feeling of pleasure and happiness without having to accept the risks of being contaminated by the virus.
There are no studies that prove that the Coronavirus is transmitted by sexual intercourse. However, the recommendation in all countries is to keep a social distance, that is why Kolkata escorts take care of themselves by working virtually. Therefore, having sex with the proper precautionary measures does not pose too many problems.
In the case of couples, having sex can be the best and most pleasurable way out. It is time to get rid of all the stress and perhaps, try new things. The truth is that it is never too late to innovate in sex.
A couple in the same space can have the glory of creativity and the desire to have sex, cultivating intimacy by cuddling and exploring. It may not happen, but it can be just the time to learn to start again.
And it’s not just for couples: endorphins and serotonin, known as the happy hormones, are released during sex and masturbation. These hormones are directly related to the reduction of stress and tension levels.
At the same time, there are endless possibilities for singles to discover themselves. In times of a multitude of options by the force of the use of adult content apps and websites, it is when playing with messages and experimenting with oneself can be a fun and interesting alternative.
Erotic movies, videos with pornographic content, video calls, sexting, nudes, the best Birmingham escorts and Camgirls offer all of them. Everything that focuses on sex can be an interesting and recommended way to get rid of stress and anxiety.
Fdo.: Julia Santos
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