The sudden virus outbreak has thrown regular life for a loop. Not only has it required us to physically distance, it has manifested financial hardship for businesses and workers alike. In the face of this new hardship, there are still steps you take to lead a healthy, balanced live. While there is much that is out of our control with this pandemic, your mental, physical, and emotional health is your responsibility. The time we have to self-quarantine can be an opportunity to improve your mental and physical health. This article details tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle by Ram Duriseti.
Tips for maintaining wellness during the pandemic
Physical wellness
Stress and anxiety can drastically affect your eating habits. These unprecedented times caused by COVID-19 are unsurprisingly causing many to become more stressed and anxious than ever before. It is not unusual for an individual to begin over or under eating as their daily routine becomes disrupted. Thus, you must be intentional in your meal planning and consumption. Additionally, sleep can help mitigate some of the symptoms of stress coupled with anxiety. Eating and sleeping well are perhaps the two most important things you can do to maintain your physical health. Finally, you should incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. This will release positive endorphins and thusly reduce your stress and anxiety.
Emotional wellness
Doctors like Ram Duriseti and others stress the need to take care of your emotional health during the pandemic. Some avenues to address your emotional wellbeing include deep breathing, meditation, yoga, muscle relaxation, and aromatherapy. One way to practice good meditation is to take a couple minutes and verbalize or journal three specific things that you are thankful for each day. This technique can ease your emotional turbulence.
Health experts suggest emphasize the importance of monitoring your consumption of COVID-19 related news, taking care to only read unbiased, research-based sources. It is important to moderate your news consumption, because it becomes unhealthy when it is an obsession.
Intellectual wellness
Regarding intellectual wellness, there is an abundance of resources available online. Things such as seminars, support groups, book clubs all are meeting via video conferencing during these unprecedented times. This means, no matter where you are, what you’re interested in, you can find an outlet for your interest and intellectual wellness.
Professional wellness
The virus has caused many businesses to lay off employees, or even go completely out of business. If you think your job is at risk, you can go for career counseling and advising online. If you do end up losing your job, you should look at this time as an opportunity to improve your resume and cover letter. You can also take advantage of career building resources online, and in turn you will increase your ability to present yourself as a desirable candidate. Make the most of a gloomy situation and equip yourself with the tools you need to get hired again, once things return to normal. Patience and perseverance are key in this pandemic.
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