Presently, the spread of coronavirus has changed life for almost everyone across the world. More and more people are now exerting time and effort in tracking COVID-10 to ensure that they will stay up-to-date with any changes pertaining to their local regulations because of the spread of the virus.
Many lives have been disrupted by the outbreak as countries from different parts of the world have been instructing its citizens to stay at home. Although this regulation can help prevent or slow down the spread of the virus, staying at home for weeks or months can mean loss of income to employees and loss of profits to businesses.Staying at home can be a struggle for some, but in these trying times, survival should be everyone’s goal. For you to stay secure and safe at home, here are few smart tips for staying healthy during a pandemic, like the coronavirus:
Presently, the spread of coronavirus has changed life for almost everyone across the world. Many lives have been disrupted by the outbreak. For you to stay secure and safe, here are few smart tips for staying healthy during a pandemic like the coronavirus
Practice Good Hygiene
The main concern of everyone now is how to avoid spreading the virus across nations. Keeping to good hygiene practices and basic safety measures from health experts is highly essential. Frequently wash your hands with soap and running water, clean surfaces that you touch every day, cover coughs and sneezes in order to avoid the pandemic and stay unaffected. There are other recommendations such as self-isolation or shelter-in-place orders. If you feel any symptoms of the virus, reach out to your primary health care provider immediately for assistance. Anyone around you with symptoms such as bluish lips or face, persistent pressure in the chest, or difficulty in breathing should be reported immediately for emergency attention.
Even if you’re going out to buy some supplies, it’s important that you also practice good hygiene. Aside from those mentioned, you should avoid touching metal surfaces and your eyes, nose, and mouth. It’s also important to spray your groceries with alcohol before putting them inside your home.
Taking a bath immediately after you went out should also be practiced, especially if you live with kids and seniors in your home.
Sustain Healthy Habits
Keeping up with healthy exercises, nutrition, and good sleeping habits are recommended during a pandemic. Engaging in healthy physical activities is also recommended as a way of boosting your immune system and managing stress. Carry out stressful exercises daily like jogging, dancing, weightlifting, or yoga for about 30 minutes. In case you are exercising outdoors, make sure you keep to the rules and regulations given by health experts; in the case of COVID-19, a 6 foot distance from other individuals is recommended if you have to go outside.
If you don’t want to take chances, choose to work out inside your home. There are a handful of workout routines that don’t require equipment or experience. You can even look for and follow workout videos available online. Exercising for thirty minutes for five days a week will surely go a long way for you to stay healthy during this pandemic.
It is also vital that you keep to healthy nutrition practices. This involves eating vegetables and fruits and reducing consumption of processed foods. Reduce the intake of sugary and sweets drinks. Though the virus is not transmitted through food, precaution measures should be taken to stay healthy during a pandemic like the coronavirus.
Another healthy habit to consider in this section is good sleep. You need good sleep in order to enhance your immune system and alleviate your stress levels. Your level of anxiety due to the disruption of daily activities may tend to affect your sleep. However, you must maintain a healthy sleep. If you often see yourself twisting and turning every night, strive to stick to a bedtime routine, and put your devices outside of your bedroom. You should also set the right temperature of your bedroom, and take a shower before entering the room.
As long as done regularly, these efforts will make it very easy for you to doze off and sleep every night!
Monitor Your Health Care Visits and Medications
So many individuals are stuck indoors. This does not mean that plans for your health should be ignored. Health care providers may be engulfed with possible cases of coronavirus. Therefore, shifting your appointments for some months for this pandemic to die down may be recommended if your situation is not critical. Better still, you may choose to contact your health provider via telephone. Some pharmacists are offering 60-90 days prescriptions to keep their patients from making monthly trips to their offices. If your medication is needed urgently, you may ask for home deliveries.
Don’t Ignore Pre-Existing Conditions
If you were managing a chronic health condition before the pandemic, such as heart disease or diabetes, make sure you do your best to stay on top of the situation. Adhere to your medical prescription just like you did before the outbreak of the pandemic. Note that some pre-existing conditions may pose you to greater risks of getting the virus. If you are at a higher risk of catching the virus, review your status with your health provider constantly.
To stay healthy during a pandemic, you must learn to engage in stress management. Aside from watching your physical health, your mental health status is also important and worthy of proper care. Don’t forget to ask for help when necessary. There are many sources available for you to reach out to in your community. Don’t fail to use them. For more information on how to protect your mental health during COVID-19, read this article.
It is vital to pay attention to the news when there is a pandemic. However, for those who frequent updates can cause them undue stress, it is advised that they observe media breaks. In a pandemic like COVID-19, physical distancing can be adhered to. However, this does not have to do with absolute isolation. Some tools and apps can help you connect with your loved ones. These tools can allow you to communicate at a safe distance.
For people receiving mental treatment, continuing with the treatment is advised. However, telehealth appointments are preferable to help maintain social distance. Most health providers should position themselves for taking virtual appointments For people with mental issues but without a health provider, online therapy can be used.
Caregiving Considerations
Women mostly are caregivers to sick or disabled loved ones. They also feet the duty of taking care of the children at home. In most pandemic situations, adults are more vulnerable than children. Older adults with pre-existing issues are even at a higher risk. People like these are responsible for curbing the spread of the virus. Several resources should be made available to these people so they can easily keep sick ones and children safe from the endemic.
What to Do If You’re Pregnant
Staying healthy during a pandemic for pregnant women can be challenging. It is not clear if they are at a higher risk of contracting the virus. Also, it should be clear to know whether COVID-19 may cause any complication to pregnant women. Also, it is not yet known if the virus can be transmitted from a pregnant mother to her fetus.
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