For many people has become strictly necessary to use sunscreen for the skin, we see many people buying sunscreen like if there was a nuclear war and how much cream they get to protect themselves from the sun. Although it’s true that ultraviolet rays are harmful to the skin, your eyes need protection too. The eyes, as many people claim, are the mirror of the soul and what more reason than to keep these mirrors healthy.
Exposure to the sun for a long time can cause serious damage to the layers that surround the eye, cornea, and even the lens. According to some studies, long-term exposure to the sun’s rays can lead to cataracts and is one of the factors that contribute to macular degeneration, which currently affects 29% of the population. That’s why we must be especially careful when choosing the right glasses.
Our children are also vulnerable to the sun’s rays because the lens is not fully developed and does not have the ability to filter out UV light during childhood. This is why it is good to protect them from the sunrays. We see the use of eyeglasses or sunglasses as more of an aesthetic than a health problem and we are in a very serious mistake, as the use of sunglasses should be one of the main reasons to protect our eyes from the much-feared ultraviolet rays.
Check our recommendations for protecting our eyes from the sun and ultraviolet rays:
When we go to the beach and know that we will be exposed to the sun for a long time, we must moisturize and clean our eyes, as sand, sun and salt water can irritate them, causing them to dry out and we can damage them. We could moisturize them with tears of physiological serum that will help us to improve the general condition of our eyes.
Wearing proper sunglasses is essential, we must wear high-quality glasses and if possible with polarized lenses, as these filter much more sunlight. Oakley lenses are a good choice, but you can trust in any other brand like Ray-ban. Arnette, Smith, or any other.
Wearing sunglasses without protection can dilate the pupil and let the rays come into the eye, thus reaching the retina and damaging our vision. The ideal lens to protect us from the sun is the colored one that blocks a 100% the UV rays, these allow to enjoy outdoors with greater comfort, comfort, and security.
Knowing when the sun is strongest: usually, the highest exposure to ultraviolet rays is in the morning and mid-afternoon, rather than at noon as many people think.
Double protection; the use of hats with wings and hats is a combination that we cannot overlook.
Be careful with reflected light; be careful when you are on the beach or skiing, near the water and at high altitudes, as in these cases the light is reflected more intensely, glare is the main nuisance caused by the sun, it can disturb the vision and can often intervene in situations where we need to pay close attention such as driving.
Ask your eye care professional; see your doctor regularly for advice on how to protect your eyes from the sun.
We often think that we should only protect our eyes from sunny days, but what many people do not know is that during cloudy days we are also exposed to ultraviolet rays, so we must protect our eyes regardless of the weather around us.
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