Possible Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Updated on October 8, 2020
Stressed sad tired middle aged senior woman holding head in hands feeling headache migraine concept, upset old elderly mature lady in panic suffering from pain, alzheimer disease, anxiety depression

Cancer is one of the most devastating diseases humanity has ever encountered, claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the US alone, each and every year. It can come in many forms, affecting almost every single part of the body, and it can be very difficult and stressful to deal with.

However, there are ways to deal with it. Modern medicine may not yet have found a cure for cancer, but it has come a long way in terms of establishing treatment options, with many experimental drugs and constantly ongoing research into new techniques and possibilities.

In time, there is hope that cancer be eradicated once and for all, but for now, one of the most important ways to stop it from taking more lives is to get it diagnosed correctly and as early as possible. Studies have consistently shown that early diagnosis is absolutely key, having a tangible effect on survival rates.

So, if you or anyone you know happens to be suffering from strange symptoms or noticing possible signs of cancer, it’s always important to get to a doctor and get yourself diagnosed as quickly as possible. The sooner, the better. Read on for some potential symptoms you may not be aware of.

Persistent Headaches 

If you feel like you’re getting headaches quite often or have a persistent headache that just doesn’t seem to go away, even with the use of pain-relieving medication, it may be a sign of brain cancer. 

Excessive Period Pain

Most women feel a lot of pain and discomfort while the menstrual cycle takes its course, but excessive pain or abnormal changes in your periods could be a sign of various types of cancer. Too often, these kinds of cancer go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, so it really is important to visit a doctor if you feel something is wrong.


Everyone can feel a little bloated from time to time after eating a little too much, often around the holidays, but if you consistently experienced that bloated feeling or it lasts for an extended period of time, this could be a sign of intestinal or ovarian cancer.

Persistent Coughs 

If you find yourself with a cough that just doesn’t seem to go away, it could be a sign of lung cancer. It may also be a sign of something much less serious, like a virus or cold, but it’s worth getting checked out by your doctor, in any case. Other respiratory difficulties associated with cancer include chest tightness and chest pain.

Using the Toilet 

If you notice any changes in your bathroom habits, this could be a sign of cancer too, among many other possible diseases and disorders. Some of the big warning signs include more frequent urination, blood in urine or stool, or persistent diarrhea.

Weight Loss

Most people with cancer will begin to lose weight without even trying to do so. This is one of the most common signs of cancer, so it’s recommended to weigh yourself often and look out for any sudden, unexplained changes.


We all get little bruises from time to time from stubbing our toes on the bed or bumping into a door, but if you find that your skin is bruising a lot more easily and regularly than it used to in the past, this could be a sign of different types of blood cancer.

Skin Issues 

Skin cancer is one of the easiest kinds of cancer to cure and has one of the best survival rates, but it still needs to be diagnosed early on. If you notice any sudden changes in your skin, like a mole or birthmark that starts to change color or grow, get it checked out by your doctor or a dermatologist.


Quite simply, one of the most common and clear signs of possible cancer is persistent pain that just won’t go away or respond to typical treatments like over the counter pain pills. This pain can appear all around the body and represent various types of cancer.


If you’re feeling overly tired or fatigued lately, with low energy levels or a lack of concentration, without any obvious reason why, this may also be a sign of cancer, and it’s a good idea to get yourself screened or tested as soon as you can.

Lumps and Bumps 

Cancer causes tumors to grow around the body. Some of these tumors are on internal organs and difficult to detect, but others can actually appear under your skin and are relatively easy to spot. Any lumps or masses around areas like the breasts, testicles, or other parts of the body should be checked on by a medical professional as soon as possible.


If you find yourself suffering from a fever, you may just have a viral infection of some kind, but if that fever lasts for longer than a few days, there is a possibility that it could be linked to cancer.

Lack of Appetite 

Some types of cancer, such as ovarian cancer or intestinal cancer, may affect your appetite too. If you feel like you’re struggling to eat, especially for an extended period of days or weeks, get yourself to a doctor for tests.

Nausea or Stomach Pain 

If you find yourself feeling sick in general, this may also be a sign of various kinds of cancer, like liver or pancreatic cancer. Similarly, stomach aches and pains that don’t respond to regular treatment should be evaluated by your primary care physician.


It’s important to note that even if you experience one or more of these symptoms, that’s not a surefire sign that you have cancer. There are many potential explanations for all of the symptoms listed above, so there’s no need to start fretting right away, but you should get yourself checked out and diagnosed by your primary care physician as soon as possible. Stopping cancer in its tracks early on will give you the best chance of a rapid recovery.

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