Positive Effects of UV Radiation on Humans

Updated on April 4, 2022

If you will be moving to Canada, the first thing that you should look into is the sunlight that you will be getting. You have to make sure that it’s just in the right amount in a way that won’t put your health at risk. It’s a double-edged sword that you should be mindful of.

However, UV radiation is terribly villainized in the present. Although its bad effects are all true and aren’t spread with negative intentions, you shouldn’t totally eradicate your exposure to it since it can still open a lot of benefits for your body’s state. It should also be a part of your daily routine unless you have an underlying condition that won’t permit you to do so.

That said, what exactly are the positive effects that you should expect from moderate exposure to sunlight or UV radiation? We will walk you through everything you need to know in the following sections.

1. Boosts Bodily Production of Vitamin D

Sunlight is essential in boosting the body’s Vitamin D production. If you’re one of the people who don’t take supplements directed to the said vitamin, then it’s just right that you compensate for it through natural sunlight. Aim for the rays between 8 to 10 AM for the healthiest results. After 10 AM, however, avoid going out since it will already be harmful to your skin.

Going back, why do you need Vitamin D? It plays an essential role in the production of phosphate and calcium. This makes it necessary for proper and healthy bone development for all ages. The vitamin also plays a part in lowering the risks of some health problems like diabetes, heart-related complications, and high blood pressure.

2. Improves Overall Mental State

Sunlight is also proven to help improve a person’s overall mental state. It makes a person feel like they are in a better mood. This isn’t a placebo, mind you. It’s backed by science since it has been proven that exposure to sunlight makes the brain produce serotonin, a chemical that makes us feel happy.

This is why when you’re sad, you often hear people telling you to go out under the sun and get a breath of fresh air. It’s also usually included in the advice and prescriptions of psychiatrists and psychologists when giving treatment to people with anxiety, depression, and likes.

3. Aids in Preventing Certain Diseases

According to research studies, minimal to moderate exposure can actually prevent the formation of certain diseases, such as sclerosis, some cancer (colon, prostate, breast, etc.), lymphoma, and a lot more. It works by boosting one’s immune system, thus, making the body less susceptible to the said issues.

Going back to a more traditional time, it’s also believed that the sun and its UV rays possess healing qualities. For centuries, it has been a part of many cultures in getting rid of illnesses and maintaining good health in the long run.

4. Serves as Therapy for Skin Conditions

Apart from internal bodily issues, there is also a thing called “sunlight therapy” where UV radiation is used as a therapy treatment for skin conditions like jaundice, eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. Note, though, that this will not serve as the only treatment, and will only be used to aid in medications and alleviate symptoms. Professional help is still important.

On a side note, you should remember that if you’re an immigrant in Canada, you are eligible for tax-paid healthcare. This means that it will basically be free, and you simply have to pay the required annual surge. If you want more information about this, make sure to reach out to reliable immigration services for application help.

5. Helps Heighten Sleep Quality

Getting enough sunlight will help your body produce more melatonin, which will help result in better sleep quality at night. If you are currently experiencing difficulties with sleeping, relaxing, or you want to somehow alleviate your insomnia, then you should definitely consider going out under the sun.


Keep in mind that everything, especially exposure to UV radiation, should be kept in moderation. This is the key to making the most out of its benefits. Moreover, you shouldn’t self-medicate when it comes to using sunlight aid in treatment, therapy, and other health-related matters. This is something that only health professionals can decide on.

For reference, go out in the sun for 10 to 30 minutes. Do this for around 3 to 4 times a week, whichever works best for you. You should take factors like your skin color, sun sensitivity, and existing health condition into account, when deciding how much sun exposure you plan to get. People who have darker skin color should have more in order to get more Vitamin D and avoid skin diseases.

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