Natural supplements such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other plants, amino acids, or parts of these substances are prevalent in our diets. We tend to take them to make sure we get enough essential nutrients and to maintain or improve our health. However, before we do, we need to make sure we understand which supplements are right for us and how we should use them. If you want to know more, read on!
Hemp-Derived Products As Supplements
Hemp products have become extremely popular lately. However, despite their popularity, many people still mistakenly assume that hemp is the same thing as marijuana. Hence, when you are considering using hemp-derived products for wellness or medical purposes, you might find yourself disoriented. And that can be especially true when it comes to choosing the best CBD oil supplements. To help you, this is what you need to know.
Hemp (known as industrial hemp) is a non-psychoactive strain of the Cannabis Sativa plant. The plant is grown mainly for industrial purposes. It can be refined into a diversity of commercial items such as paper, textiles, biodegradable plastics, paint, biofuel, and animal feed. Nevertheless, due to its rich nutritional content, lower concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and higher concentrations of cannabidiol (CBD), different parts of the plant are also utilized in the food, health and beauty industry.
Hemp is commonly confused with marijuana. However, the two plants are very different, though they both belong to the same family. The main difference is that hemp plant seeds only contain a trace amount of THC (less than 1%), and marijuana contains high amounts of THC. And THC is the chemical that is responsible for marijuana’s psychoactive properties.
Hemp Seeds Products – Because hemp has many potential health benefits, the plant is trendy in the food industry. Products like hemp seeds, hemp seed oil, protein powder, hemp tea, energy bars, milk, and many others are widely available everywhere. Nevertheless, the most popular hemp product is Hemp seed oil, made from the seeds from the hemp plant. The seeds contain almost no THC and a low concentration of CBD. It is also a rich source of dietary fiber, B vitamins, Vitamin E, and dietary minerals. According to “Nutrition Facts for Hemp Seeds,” around 73% of the energy in Hemp seeds is in the formation of fats and essential fatty acids. Precisely due to this nutritional value, hemp seeds and hemp seed oil have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as safe for the general public to consume. The benefits of Hemp seed oil include but are not limited to skincare, reducing blood pressure, reducing symptoms of PMS and menopause, aiding in digestion, and more.
Hemp-derived CBD Oil – CBD oil, on the other hand, is procured from the stalks, leaves, and flowers of the Cannabis plant. The ratio of high CBD and low THC makes the Hemp plants ideal and legal for making CBD oil.
The benefits of CBD oil are numerous. It can help with a variety of health-related concerns such as anxiety, depression, sleep conditions, pain relief, anti-inflammation, neurological disorders (such as epilepsy), substance abuse, and more. CBD oil supplements derived from hemp are mainly used in the holistic or alternative wellness space to help balance the body’s internal systems.
Herbal Supplements
Herbal supplements, sometimes called botanicals, are another type of natural dietary supplement available for purchase. The most common herbal supplements include echinacea, flaxseed, ginseng, ginkgo, aloe vera, saw palmetto, chamomile, St John’s wort, black cohosh, evening primrose, and garlic. Herbal supplements are used to treat constipation, ease pain, or act as relaxants or stimulants, just like the G Herbal. For example, Ginko is used to treat memory problems and tinnitus. Aloe Vera is popularly used topically for burns, psoriasis, and osteoarthritis. Used in the oral form is suitable for digestive issues such as gastritis or constipation. Chamomile is famously used to treat sleeplessness, anxiety, upset stomach, gas, and diarrhea. It can also be applied topically for skin conditions. Echinacea is right to fight cold, and flu symptoms and flaxseed is a good source of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids and ideal for lowering cholesterol. They are available in many forms, including in tea bags, capsules, tablets, liquids, and powders and are considered as dietary supplements by the FDA.
Since herbal supplements can have substantial effects on the body, always talk to your healthcare provider before using one. That is especially important when you are already using prescribed medicines because of complications that may occur due to drug interactions.
How Do You Know If You Need a Natural Supplement?
Natural dietary supplements may give you nutrients that might be missing from your daily diet. But how do you know if you need a natural dietary supplement? Since supplements may cost a lot, could be harmful or might not be helpful, the best thing to do is talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian for advice. Your doctor will do the necessary checks before he/she recommends a dietary supplement for you. In case he/she does, make sure you are getting the brand recommended by the doctor and that you take it as directed.
How to Use a Supplement?
If you have done your research or consulted your doctor, this is what you need to keep in mind when choosing and using a natural supplement:
- Choose your brand carefully. Hold on to brands that have been tested by independent sources;
- Be sure you follow the supplement instructions on the product. Never exceed the recommended dosages. Also, do not use the herb for longer than recommended;
- Keep track of what supplement you take. Plan carefully and take only one supplement at a time. That is a good way to determine if it has an effect. Remember (or write down) what you take, how much for how long, and how it affects you. Stop taking the supplement if it is not useful, or it doesn’t meet the purposes of taking it.
- Always check announcements and alerts by the FDA. The agency maintains lists of supplements that are under regulatory review or that have been reported to cause adverse effects.
Final Thoughts
Regularly taking natural supplements might make you feel like you are leading a healthier lifestyle. However, nutritionists recommend food first because foods provide a variety of vitamins and minerals and also dietary factors that can not be found in a vitamin or mineral supplement. Remember, natural supplements can not take the place of a well-balanced diet – they are supplements, not replacements. Moreover, if you have certain health conditions or needs, consult your doctor before adding a supplement to your daily routine.
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