In the United States, there are 3.1 million practicing nurses in this country and close to 200,000 aspiring professionals currently in nursing schools. Imagining the positive impact nurses can make by choosing to be heroes is the inspiration for a new book co-authored by Renee Thompson, DNP, RN, CMSRN and Joanne Turka, MSN, RN-BC, CCRN.

Celebrate Nursing: Human by Birth, Hero by Choice released in October 2013 ($19.97) and explores ten hero powers—behaviors that distinguish hero nurses from the rest, sharing heartwarming stories of real nurses who demonstrate each of the ten behaviors.
“Being a hero is a choice. In my travels throughout the US and abroad, I have been repeatedly encouraged to compile stories about nurses I speak about who model heroic behaviors, people who have made the choice to approach their work in a meaningful way,” said Dr.Thompson. “Our new book shares the stories of nurses who truly represent the art and science of nursing and are role models for others.”
In this book, authors Renee Thompson and Joanne Turka share ten hero powers that distinguish hero nurses from the rest. Nurses will read heartwarming stories about other nurses who truly represent the art and science of nursing. This book is meant provide inspiration and practical tips to help nurses become more heroic in their practice.
Renee is also the author of “Do No Harm” Applies to Nurses Too” – an important book that offers effective empowerment strategies a nurse in any stage of his or her career can use protect and bully-proof his or herself at work. She is a practicing nurse and former nurse manager with the perspective of 23 years healthcare experience including clinical practice, nursing education, quality management and executive leadership.
Renee is the CEO and President at RTConnections, LLC, an organization that educates, connects and inspires current and future nurses and specializes in seminars, training and inspirational lectures developed to combat nurse bullying, a significant issue in modern healthcare. Joanne Turka is an Advanced Practice Nurse Educator at UPMC Shadyside. She received her BSN at Carlow University and her MSN at Duquesne University.
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