When was the last time you checked up on your oral health?
Many Americans put off their bi-annual trips to the dentist. But if you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, you might be at risk for some serious oral diseases such as periodontal disease.
Periodontal disease impacts nearly half of American adults. Check your gums the next time your brush or floss your teeth. If you notice your gums are bleeding, you could have periodontal disease and should make an appointment with your dentist right away.
Keep reading to learn more about your periodontal health, how to tell if you might have a problem, and what your treatment options are.
Periodontal Health: How To Tell If You Have Periodontal Disease
Like we mentioned above, periodontal disease impacts many American adults. There are a lot of different symptoms, so the best way to determine if you have periodontal disease is to see a dentist.
Here are some of the most common symptoms you might notice if you have periodontal disease:
1. Gum problems
Your gums are the most prominent indicators of periodontal disease. If you see your gums are red, swollen or receding, you could be at risk. Bleeding gums when you brush or floss your teeth is another indicator.
2. Bad Breath
Chronic bad breath is another symptom that your oral health is at risk. When you brush your teeth consistently but still have terrible breath, make sure you see a doctor as soon as possible.
3. Pain When Chewing
Periodontal disease can make your teeth and gums very sensitive. No one wants to be in pain, so make sure you see your dentist if you have any discomfort.
4. Tartar Buildup
Some tartar buildup over time is normal, but it should be removed at your dental cleanings. When you see large amounts of tartar building up, or you go too long in between dentist appointments, you could have an oral health issue.
Periodontal disease might sound scary, and it should be taken seriously. However, there are ways to treat it and reverse the damage in your mouth.
How to Treat Periodontal Disease
Reversing Periodontal Disease is entirely possible when you receive proper care from a doctor. Some ways your doctor will treat periodontal disease include:
1. Antibiotics
Since periodontal disease is caused by large amounts of bacteria in your mouth, your doctor might prescribe you an antibiotic.
2. Root Planing
Root planing removes bacteria around the root of your tooth and discourages the buildup of any more tartar.
3. Scaling
The scaling process removes excess tartar and bacteria buildup around your teeth so your gums can heal.
If these treatments are effective, your doctor might have to resort to some surgical procedures. To avoid surgery, make sure you see a dentist regularly so you can catch periodontal disease early.
Learn More About Your Oral Health
Taking care of your oral and periodontal health is crucial to your overall wellbeing. Poor oral hygiene can lead to a variety of other issues, so you should make it a priority to get to your dentist appointments as often as possible.
Make sure you check out the rest of our website for more information on maintaining good oral health. Our blog is full of helpful tips and tricks that will keep your smile healthy.
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