Baptist Homes Society’s Al Allison, Jr. was named CEO of the Year at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Coalition of Affiliated Healthcare and Living Communities (PACAH) held September 26, 2018 at Kalahari Resort in the Poconos. PACAH represents over 143 diverse long-term living and supports providers and associated businesses, including both county, veterans, private, and non-profit nursing facilities. The CEO of the Year award recognizes administrators and/or CEOs from member facilities who have shown innovation, dedication and commitment to their facilities, residents and staff, as well as the advancement of long-term care in general.
At the award celebration, Mr. Allison’s long-term commitment to PACAH was one of several achievements that were recounted. In his role at Baptist Homes Society for the last nine years, Mr. Allison has guided the organization to meaningful growth and recently broke ground for an expansion of Providence Point. Under Al’s direction, Baptist Senior Services also created Providence Home Care and Baptist Management Services. Providence Home Care is a licensed home care company with its office at Providence Point. Through this company, the independent living and personal care residents of the community can receive high-quality, reliable services when needed. Baptist Management Services now allows the organization to partner with other senior living organizations to offer BHS expertise in an effort to help them improve care and incorporate solid business practices in times of transition and change.
His leadership at Healthcare Council of Western PA (HCWP), where he has served as the long-standing chairman of the Post Acute Care Leadership Committee, was also named. Under Al’s leadership, the provider community worked collaboratively with Highmark to assure a smooth implementation with Navihealth; and most recently with DHS on the successful roll-out of the Community Health Choices program. Al was instrumental in HCWP’s developing its LTC Human Resource Surveys and the opportunity to develop the Salary & Compensation Surveys for PACAH.
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