The Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania (HAP) today issued the following statement from President and CEO Andy Carter about Medicaid expansion and today’s debate in the state Senate concerning House Bill 1075:
“From day one, Pennsylvania hospitals have unequivocally and forcefully supported Medicaid expansion, and our support for expansion is unwavering.
“Pennsylvania hospitals, like the bipartisan group of Senators who supported expansion, are disappointed that a bill that would provide eligibility for Medicaid health insurance coverage for low-income working Pennsylvanians has not yet passed both chambers. We will continue to aggressively pursue gaining support for Medicaid expansion and will support Senator Vance’s efforts to introduce new legislation to do so in the fall.
“House Bill 1075 also included provisions that affected Medicaid funding and payment for hospitals, nursing homes, and facilities that serve individual with intellectual disabilities. Jeopardizing that funding by postponing action to the fall would have created access to care problems for Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable citizens.”
HAP is a statewide membership services organization that advocates for nearly 240 Pennsylvania acute and specialty care, primary care, subacute care, long-term care, home health, and hospice providers, as well as the patients and communities they serve. Additional information about HAP is available online at
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