To many people, celebrities have it all- fame, money, famous friends, etc.
However, what many people don’t realize is that there are a lot of celebrities out there that hate being famous and would change spots with a ‘normal’ person in a heartbeat.
Being in the public eye 24/7 can take a toll on a person, which is perhaps why some celebrities turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with their high-pressure life.
While some celebrities spend their whole lives battling addiction, others have proudly come out on the other side of it.
Check out this guide to learn about the top celebrity alcoholics who have been through hell and come back sober.
1. Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato is perhaps the most recent celebrity who has received attention because of her addiction. Demi has been struggling with addiction for a number of years, and she first entered rehab in November of 2010.
She also spent some time in a sober house in 2013, and in July of 2018, she suffered from a nearly fatal overdose.
Luckily, Demi put herself in rehab after this incident and now seems to be doing quite well. She is strongly committed to maintaining her sobriety and has slowly been reimmersing herself into her career.
2. Jon Hamm
Most of us know Jon Hamm as the star of the critically-acclaimed TV show Mad Men.
However, what many people don’t know is that Jon has struggled privately with addiction. At the end of 2015, Hamm entered a 30-day treatment program for alcohol abuse.
In fact, he finished up the program just mere days before the season 6 premiere of Mad Men. While Jon is very private about his addiction, it appears that he’s doing well since becoming sober.
3. Bradley Cooper
Bradley Cooper seems to be constantly snatching up Oscars and leading roles in big movies. However, before he became the megastar he is today, Bradley struggled for years with drug and alcohol abuse.
He finally decided to call it quits in 2004 at the age of 29. Since then, he’s become one of Hollywood’s most bankable men.
4. Drew Barrymore
At the age of just 13, Drew Barrymore made headlines for going to rehab and announcing she was an addict.
Coming from a famously troubled family, Barrymore was only 6 when she starred in the classic film E.T., and she was just 9 years old when she began drinking.
After her stint in rehab, Barrymore was able to turn her life and her reputation around, and she remains one of Hollywood’s leading ladies.
5. Kristin Davis
Kristin Davis was lucky in that she was able to kick her habit early on. She started drinking as a social crutch, as she was someone who was very shy.
By the time Davis landed her starring role as Charlotte on Sex and the City, she was a ways into her sobriety and never looking back.
Celebrity Alcoholics: Wrap Up
If you’re someone who struggles with addiction, you can use these celebrity alcoholics as inspiration to get sober.
Also, be sure to check back in with our blog for more sober living tips and tricks.
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