Senior living community touts understanding of cognitive impairment during March 13 event
Newhaven Court at Clearview will host the Dementia Live Program on March 13, as the senior living community hopes to provide participants with a deeper understanding of what it’s like to live with cognitive impairment and sensory change.
“The Dementia Live experience immerses participants into life with dementia,” said Gary Renwick, Executive Director of Newhaven Court at Clearview. “The program is designed to enhance bridges of communication while acting as an important catalyst to change for residents and our team as well as those who visit our community. The experience offers a first-hand look at how dementia impacts those afflicted with this disease.”
The Dementia Live Program is offered exclusively by AGE-u-cate Training Institute. The program is labeled as “the newest tool in the powerful arena of sensitivity awareness training for a fast-aging world.”
Participants gain greater awareness and understanding, which leads to more sensitive care-partnering.
Those interested in the program are encouraged to sign up for a 30-minute time slot by visiting The training is for direct care staff, family caregivers, healthcare professionals, college students, or anyone working with individuals with dementia.
The Pennsylvania Behavioral Health and Aging Coalition may be reached for additional information at 717.857.3163, or at [email protected].
Newhaven Court at Clearview is an IntegraCare-operated senior living community located at 100 Newhaven Lane in Butler.
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